"Eddie!" She grinned and hugged him, "Is this (y/n)?" 

"Yep." He grinned and pulled out of the hug.

"She's gorgeous!" Annalise grinned and then hugged me, "Annalise."

"(y/n). It's so nice to meet you." I grinned.

"The pleasure is all mine! I'm sure Edmund told you about The Explorer situation." Annalise said.

"Yes, he did," I replied.

"I will take good care of Edmund while we're in Kenya. You don't even need to worry." Annalise grinned and I thanked her.

Nine Months Later

Edmund ended up being in Kenya for nine months because the studio decided to film the 18/19 of the scenes in the film on location instead of using a studio. They would have filmed all of it in Kenya had one of the cast members not gone into labor while in Kenya. It was the policy that if such an event occurred the movie should either be postponed or filmed for the remaining duration in a sound studio in L.A. So Edmund returned home and we spent far too long at one another's sides.

The premiere for The Explorer was a month later and Edmund sat so close to me in the car I thought the driver might ask us to separate. He didn't. At the end of the premiere, Edmund went to go talk to the director and I found Susan and Lucy. They were talking near the theater entrance.

"(y/n)!" They called.

"Susan! Lucy! It's good to see the two of you again." I smiled and hugged each of them.

"Same here. Thank you both for coming over to my place for dinner a few months ago. We need to do that more often." Susan exclaimed.

"Agreed." Lucy nodded. She moved her gaze to behind me and then rolled her eyes, "Look who it is Su."

"Ugh, that bitch." Susan rolled her eyes, "Don't look now (y/n)."

"Who is it?" I asked. I'd never heard Susan and Lucy rag on someone so hard before. 

"Annalise Basso. Edmund has told us far too many horror stories about the woman." Lucy filled in.

"How odd. I met her 10 months ago and she seemed kind enough." I replied.

"She changed on set apparently," Susan explained.

"(y/n)!" She called out and smiled, "Can I steal you for a minute?"

"Sure thing." I smiled apologetically at Susan and Lucy who did not attempt to hide their disdain. 

"I've been meaning to call you, lovely," She smiled.

"About what?" I asked.

"Edmund, of course." She smiled and my smile faded.

"Edmund?" I asked.

"Yes, some, um, things happened on set I think you should know about. I know if my boyfriend was spending such an elongated time with another woman I'd want to know what happened." She explained.

"Of course," I said.

"We didn't mean for it to happen, (y/n), and I'm sure you understand that. He just came to my hotel room one evening and one thing led to another and we made love. It didn't stop there either. Every night for months we made love. Sometimes on set!" Tears filled her eyes and they filled mine too.

"Edmund wouldn't do that..." I said.

"But he did, (y/n). I guess our filming meant more to him than his relationship with someone normal, someone without the star status, someone like you." She shrugged, "I'm so sorry, (y/n). But I need you to know I don't intend to stop our affair now, he's just too good."

I walked off and right past Edmund. He had just finished speaking with the director and seemed worried when I ran past. 

"(y/n)!" He called, "Hey, baby, stop! You're going to tear your dress running like that!" 

He grabbed my arm and guided me into a hallway that was dimly lit and vacant. I looked at him, pain swelling in my heart. 

"I don't give a damn about this dress. I guess it's like how you didn't give a damn about our relationship when you gave...it to Annalise Basso." I replied.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked, rubbing my arms now.

"Annalise told me the two of you had a nine-month affair in Kenya." I explained, "You gave me your word, Edmund. How could you do this to me?"

"SHE SAID WHAT?!" He exclaimed, "Good God...I can't believe she'd do this. (y/n), I would never ever cheat on you. I love you, you're my world, babe. Annalise wanted me to cheat on you, she wanted me to leave you for her. In Kenya she tried indirectly a few times, then when we got back here for the rest of filming, she came into my dressing room and she tried to seduce me. But it wouldn't have ever worked, and I told her that. I explained that I'd never leave you and she simply said 'That'll change'. She wanted you to leave me so that she could get what she wanted." 

"Your sisters...they were talking about horror stories you'd tell over the phone," I stated.

"They were about how she acted in Kenya." He replied, "I swear. Baby, I'm so so so sorry. I love you, I would never put you through this."

"So, y-you're not a cheater?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered.

"You promise?" I asked.

"Pinky." He replied.

"Oh, Edmund..." I embraced him and then kissed him, "Never do that again."

From that point forward, Edmund did not work with Annalise Basso and preferred working in Los Angeles. And if he did accept a job that filmed on location, he took me along with him. And never again did I believe Edmund was a cheater. 

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