graduation nights and promise rings

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Imagine: You and Edmund have just graduated high school and drive downtown and park your car on a rooftop where you just soak in the feeling of being alive

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Imagine: You and Edmund have just graduated high school and drive downtown and park your car on a rooftop where you just soak in the feeling of being alive. But he has a surprise!

   Since the 7th grade, I had been in love with Edmund Pevensie. I'd met him in the nurse's office when I'd split my lip in a fight with this girl who bullied me mercilessly. You should've seen her, she had to be rushed to the hospital because she was passed out. But because she had hit me first, I didn't suffer any consequences. Edmund was in for scraping his knee on the blacktop. 

   The moment our eyes met, I knew he was something special. From there, we got better acquainted and started going out when we were sophomores in high school. We'd been together ever since then. Every moment with him was like an eternity, and I liked it that way. I enjoyed the way that he hugged me, longed for the way that he made me feel, and wanted to die kissing him. He was perfect in every single way and I never wanted to be without him.

   The night we graduated from high school was a big deal. High School had been wonderful because we'd gotten together but it had been horrible for a handful of other reasons. Edmund had beat someone up who had called me a slut when we were Juniors and he'd almost been sent to Alternative Campus because of it, I had had a pregnancy scare when we were Seniors, Edmund's teacher tried to seduce him when we were Juniors, and I had been beaten unconscious by the girl from middle school because you couldn't hit back in high school. We were glad to be done with all of it.

   That night Edmund took me on a drive downtown. I'd asked him a hundred times what we were doing, and he said it was a secret. We'd driven past fancy restaurants where all the other kids we knew were sitting down to have a large dinner in celebration of this milestone. We'd turned past an old jewelry store where Edmund and I had bought a ring for my mother a year ago. And of course, we drove right past the old bookstore where Edmund had asked me to be his girlfriend.

   We eventually turned into a parking garage and drove to the top, which overlooked the millions of lights that the city held. He parked the car and killed the ignition. When his big blue eyes looked into my own (y/e/c) eyes, I couldn't help but smile.

"I just wanted to talk to you." He smiled.

"Are you serious?" I laughed.

"I am. This is a very serious topic of discussion, love." He explained.

"Alright then, I'm listening," I answered.

"I've been thinking about the future a lot recently. I've been thinking about how we'll be going to University in a few months, thankfully the same one. I've thought about how badly in love I am with you and how I need you with me always. I have just thought so much. So, (y/n)," He sighed, "I went to the jewelry store that we always loved and I got you something. I know we're too young to be official, but I offer you this promise ring as if it were an engagement ring."

   Edmund handed me a box tied with a pale pink ribbon. Through the tears in my eyes, I opened the box and found that inside was a  simple diamond ring. I began to sob and he slipped the ring onto my finger.

"So will you take this ring, my love?" He asked.

"Yes, of course, I will." I sobbed and hugged him.

"You know you look so pretty when you cry." He smiled.

"Shut up." I laughed and pulled him by his sweatshirt into a kiss. 

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