"Like hell I will." She retorted, fighting against his hold. Her arm was paining badly with the grip he had on her. They struggled with grey balaclava eventually slamming her back into the doorframe causing her to hit her head. Marinette tried to call out, but she knew it was fruitle. Most of the tenants worked during the day and therefore the apartments would be empty.

"Stop fighting us." The man yelled. In the tussle his knife cut into Marientte's upper arm and she cried out in pain.

"Who's the idiot now?" The other man yelled.

"What's going on?" A groggy voice called out from the hall.

The man twisted Marinette around, holding her to his chest with his knife close to her face. Marinette looked up to see her young neighbour, Albert, who was still in his pajamas, walking towards them with a hockey stick in his hand. Judging by the redness of his eyes and nose, he hadn't gone to work today.

"Back off if you know what's good for you." The man with the knife threatened. Albert gripped the hockey stick tighter.

"And you don't want to find out what part of your anatomy will become my new hockey puck." Albert retorted, holding the stick higher.

"Come on." Black balaclava announced. "This ain't worth it."

The man with the knife threw Marientte to the ground before grabbing up her hair, his eyes blazing under the balaclava. "We'll be back." He threatened, throwing her head into the door for good measure before running after his partner down the stairs.

"Marinette?" Albert asks quietly, full of concern. He hadn't gotten much of a chance to hang out with his neighbours, but they had been a happy couple from what he saw, and always polite. Albert touched Marientte's shoulder, but she recoiled away, crying as she held her bleeding arm. Albert ran into her kitchen and found a clean tea towel. Bringing it back to her, he carefully pressed it to the wound.  He kept his voice low, trying hard not to cough on her. "It's alright, I'll call an ambulance and then I'll call Adrien okay?"

She could only nod in response.


"Do you know why Félix didn't come today?" Lila asked, sliding up to Adrien. "He's telling your father how he's going to take over his company."

Adrien shrugged nonchalantly. "Good luck to him then." He said flatly. Lila narrowed her eyes at him.

"But doesn't that bother you? I mean your father has been practically forced to make Marinette his protégé. You could have it all. I could even help you get your father out of the way."

Adrien looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Lila, I don't know what fantasy world you're living in, but Marientte and I want to get as far away from this company as possible. If Félix takes over, it's all the sooner that we get out of these contracts and leave. Honestly I don't know what he sees in it." Or you was left unsaid. He turned his head back towards the set. He had already done one group of photos, and now was waiting for them to reorganise the set. He looked down at his watch. Marinette really should have been back by now.

"You don't have to be so snippy. We're going to be seeing a lot more of each other this week, you know."

Adrien looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"Félix and I will be staying with your father this week to learn more about the company. Didn't he tell you?"

Adrien looked away. "He doesn't always remember to tell me things he finds unimportant."

Lila pouted at his backhanded comment. "It's only a matter of time and we will be family Adrien. There really is no reason for you to keep on ignoring me like this. You understand I don't have anything against Marinette personally, I just want my fair share." Lila said, standing far too close to Adrien to be comfortable.

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