At one point Jian's social battery was running out. She had talked to way too many people today so Jian went in the corner and sat on the bar stool while drinking water. She doesn't want to get drunk anymore, she already had too much wine earlier. While she was sitting there and looking at everyone having fun, talking to each other a red haired guy came and sat on a stool beside her.

Jian looked at him. He was totally trying to read her and judge her from top to bottom. He wasn't even trying to hide it. Jian was confused,"Hey?"

"Are you and Baekhyun dating?"

Jian almost choked out her water,"WHAT? No!"

He frowned and put his chin on his fist thinking hard,"Then what's your relationship with him? Be honest. It's just I'm really confused and curious.."

"You are making me confused and curious,"Jian said making him break his serious demeanor and laugh. He got himself a glass and poured himself some vodka and said,"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. This..this just is a new experience and I don't know what to feel about this."


"Baekhyun bringing a girl in our territory. He has never brought anyone here. He's a strict believer of no outsider should step a foot in here. But now.."

"Well, he tends to lie for a dramatic effect so.."

He smiled,"You're right. But are you sure you're not dating him?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Then what's your relationship with him actually?"

"A very weird one. I don't even know how to explain it so I'm going to spare you the headache."

"You two are already giving me and Yunho hyung a massive headache."

Jian sighed,"I wish I could meet the Yunho hyung Baekhyun keeps talking about."

"You talk to Baekhyun informally? No Oppa or something?"

"It's a long story to be honest."

He shook his head, getting more confused,"One time Baekhyun whopped Jongin's ass when he mistakenly forgot to call him hyung. What the heck is happening here? And why do you want to meet Yunho hyung? You have a death wish or something?"

Jian chuckled,"Baekhyun grew up with him, and according to Baekhyun he 'founded' him. He keeps saying how great of a hyung he is and how much lovingly he raised Baekhyun. So I wanted to meet that amazing hyung."

The red headed guy smiled,"But it's in your best interest that you don't fall in front of Yunho hyung. Okay? By the way did Baekhyun not praise about me?"

Jian tilted her head. Before she could ask he realized,"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Joonmyun. Ace's second in command. And I also raised Baekhyun lovingly. So did he say something about me?"

"Oh! So you're Joonmyun? Baekhyun did mention about you."

"What did he say about me?"Joonmyun asked, very excited.

"Oh..."Jian leaned close to him and said,"You see I call him boomer."

He nodded.

"He once said..that he wondered what I would do if I met his Joonmyun hyung who is the biggest boomer of this planet."

Joonmyun was shocked,"That ungrateful son of a b.."

"You talking about me?"Baekhyun appeared from somewhere and asked.

"You called me the biggest boomer?"Joonmyun asked,"This is what I get for raising you, brat?"

Baekhyun smiled cheekily,"By the way what were the two of you talking about? You weren't trying to scare her off, were you? But honestly I doubt anyone in this world could scare her."

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