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The place was quiet. Nobody had expected Jayden to say something like that. Jayson was beyond stunned. He looked at his brother with disbelief.

"How could you say something like that to your brother?" the matron asked.
Jayson could feel tears roll down his cheek.
"It's the truth, let's tell him already " Jayden said again.
"I don't understand?" Jayson whispered. "Your mom? Reason she died? How about my own mom?"
"Calm down sweetie,he didn't mean that " the matron said hugging Jayson. She knew the boy was going to feel so bad. He had always asked her while other children had mothers but he didn't have. The matron had always told him to think of her as his mom. She had practically raised them herself after the queen passed away.
Jayson held the matron close as he cried.
Esther was just shocked. She knew Jayden didn't detest Jayson, she knew they didn't get along well throughout Jayson's 18 years of living. All Jayson had ever wanted was for Jayden to love him like an elder brother would love a younger brother. She knew that ever since their mom had passed while giving birth to Jayson, Jayden had locked everyone out of his life. The young bubbly prince that she used to know died that night, when he overheard the matron telling the king that the queen didn't make it. She had tried hard enough to make them get along. Jayden gave in sometimes but when Jayson would come back wanting more, he'd ask him to leave. She knew that deep down Jayden still had a soft spot for Jayson. She knew all these but she didn't know that Jayden could say such words straight up to Jayson knowing how much it would hurt the boy. "Why did you do that " Esther asked trying to stop herself from crying.
"We had to tell him sooner or later anyway " Jayden mumbled.
"I'm sorry " Jayson cried. "I'm sorry I was ever born, I'm sorry I took away our mom, I'm really sorry".
The matron cursed Jayden under her breath while she held the crying boy. He kept muttering somethings. The only words she could make out were"I'm sorry, I wish I was never born".

"Send in Elena",the matron said to the royal court attendants that were outside.
The younger girl came in looking very confused. She bowed as she greeted everyone in the room.
"Is everything okay my lady?" Elena asked Esther whose eyes were red rimmed.
" No" the princess answered dejectedly.
"Come Elena" the matron said. She gently transferred the crying boy into Elena's arms. "You're the only one I trust with him. "He might not leave his room for the rest of the week so please ...."
"It's her job" Jayden interrupted. "Don't beg her".
"Shut up Jayden" the matron said coldly. " please Elena, take care of him, I knew you're the only one he feels comfortable with".
Elena was confused, still she pulled Jayson in. His tears staining her clothes. " it's okay", she whispered to him but he only held her tighter.
"I killed her", he sobbed into her clothes.
"Killed who?" Elena asked looking at the matron.
The older woman sighed. "He thinks he killed his mom, he didn't,she died while giving birth to him." Three matron walked out after saying this.
"You know,I've always supported you,even when you were wrong",Esther said to Jayden. "You really fucked up, big time" she said and left.
Jayden watched Elena as she stroked Jayson's hair and mumbled some comforting words to him. He felt a pang of jealousy. He didn't want Jayson being that comfortable with anyone that wasn't him. He had always wanted a kid brother,but when he got a younger brother, he couldn't have his mom back. He loved Jayson to death but the fact that she died while birthing him killed Jayden's spirit over and over again. He stood up and walked towards Elena and the crying prince. He stroked Jayden's hair gently.

"Why?" Elena asked him. Jayson was already sleeping now after crying his eyes out.
"He had to know" Jayden said.
"You made it sound like he purposely killed her"
"You weren't here" he said turning his back. He turned and saw Elena stroking his hair again. "Don't stroke his hair much, it's not for you to do" he said.
"Says the one that made him cry his eyes out,Elena whispered, a scowl present on her face.
Jayden nodded. He heard her. He guess he deserved that much. "Take him to his chambers" he tried touching Jayson's hair again but Elena swatted his hands away.
"Don't touch him" she said scowling. " you're just so heartless". She widened her eyes and covered her mouth. She regretted saying those words instantly.
Jayden just stared at her. "What exactly has he been telling you about me?"
" nothing, my lord,he didn't say anything about you.
"Okay then, so you think I'm heartless?"
"No my Lord"
Jayden nodded again and left the room.
"I could've listened to my mom,"Elena whispered to herself.

"His mom had a lot of trouble giving birth to him in particular. She had been sick during her last trimester." The matron was with Elena in Jayson's inner chamber.
"I understand Jayden yunno, she continued. He was very close to her, he didn't get to see her before she died. She had promised him that she'll come back with a baby. So when I presented Jayson to him, he was very happy, but after a while he asked for his mom and when he couldn't find her, he took it out on Jayson. Then when he overheard me telling the king that she didn't make it, he just...".
The woman was crying.
Elena rubbed her back gently.
"You've been a matron here for long", Elena said.
The matron chuckled. I'm the king's sister.

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