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ʜᴀʀʀʏ's ᴘᴏᴠ

I put my jacket on and ran after ron, ginny and draco.

"i hate school" ron complained as we walked in the gate. i nodded and took Ginny's arm in mine

"dont we all" draco sighed before pointing at me

"you're stuck with me all day. I checked ya timetable. all our classes are the same. hope you can put up with me" he joked and ran off. I laughed and ran after him.

science. stupid ugly subject.
the teacher walked in. his hair greasy black and his clothes the same shade of black. his skin a horrible white. the man looked dead, I was surprised he wasnt.

'Mr snape'  he wrote on the board. I sighed. an unfortunate name too.

"hes a hard nutcase this one" draco whispered in my ear making me laugh. this got the walking deads attention as he stormed over to me

"new weasley? please I thought that woman had enough" he spat. I rolled my eyes

"better then snape. seriously? creative ancestors? I think not." I shot back.

draco tapped my leg under the table as if telling me to shut up. I did. Mr snape was obviously waiting for me to say more, I didnt. he walked away and started talking about iron. I sighed

"wait to bill hears about that. he'll love you forever" draco whispered as he handed me a pen. I laughed silently and nudged him in return.

soon it was lunch. draco and I were laughing about something that had happend in our art class that had just been when lavender skipped over and took his arm

"hello" she sang making me cringe

"I'm going to go look for the twins" I said simply and walked away. draco didn't call out for me to come back as his lips were on hers making me feel sick.

to busy in thought about how annoying that lavender is I bumped into a rather beautiful girl

"my apologies I really should look where I'm going" I say quickly as i pick up her books. her hair is a soft brown and her eyes are bright. she has on soft natural colored clothing.

"me too, I'm sorry I was to busy reading my book" she says shyly as I hand her, her books.

"Im harry. harry weasley" I say quickly holding out my hand

"Hermione. Hermione Granger" she says back shifting her books onto one arm so she can shake my hand

"you're Ron's brother." she said simply

"him and I are very good friends" she continued.

suddenly there were too arms around my waist and I was lifted into the air. and carried away

"d-draco!" I yelled as he carried me into an abandoned classroom. lavender was sitting there, her face wet with tears and she looked at me angry.

"tell her what we a r e" draco said. I looked at him confused. his face said everything.

"umm-" I said softly looking at her

"you're his little fuck toy aren't you fag" she snapped.

"I'm sorry?" I mumbled.  draco winced guilty. suddenly his arm was around my waist and he pulled me into his chest

"I actually don't even belive this. yknow what. I'm going to sleep over this weekend and see how this all plays out.

she did stay that weekend. infact she came home from school with us.

draco and I had only told ron and ginny about what was going on. a part of me wished this wasn't an act for whatever reason it was for.

draco held my hand when we were far away from the school. lavender wasn't near us at this exact moment. she was ahead of us talking to ginny so I don't know what he is doing.

suddenly he pulled me into an alleyway, his hand still in mine he lead me away to a cafe where he ordered us drinks and then sat me down at a table.

"we need.... I need to explain what's going on and we need to talk about it" he said softly. I nodded my head. our drinks were delivered to us as he started talking

"I'm gay. I have known for years now. lavender and I were dating before I found this out and i just have never found it in me to tell her the truth. but....I like a boy now and so I needed to 'date' a boy to get her away but she doesn't belive me. not a bit so I said it was you because I know i can trust you the most-"

"won't that ruin your chances with the boy you like?" I asked. he sighed


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