Uchihacest:Love on the kitchen floor: part of "Brotherly love from A to Z"

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The world was crushing down. No. This couldn’t be happening. This just couldn’t be happening. It was not possible. Sasuke felt his brother cutting off the pieces from his clothing, undressing him. He couldn’t scream, every breath was echoing with sharp pain in lungs. The mouth was bubbling foam of saliva and blood instead of words.

 ‘Itachi. No. Please. No.’. Sasuke moved his lips and he saw Itachi read them. But he didn’t answer. He didn’t make any sign that he acknowledged his brothers’ silent scream.

‘Please. No. I’m begging you.’ . Sasuke was desperately trying to bring forward any memory, any technique that would help him out of this nightmare. He suddenly recalled that morning, when him and Itachi were kissing on the bed in his room. He remembered the sensation towards his brother. It was so different from what he felt now. That morning he could read endless love in his eyes, deep passion which he couldn’t resist and begged for more. More? What more was he begging for? For Itachi to touch him, there? Or to get allowed to palm Itachis’ enormous member? He felt the passion trying to get out of Itachis’ tight ANBU wear. Passion towards him, his Sasuke. Sasuke sighed heavily. What is it, this feeling? Is it so, that he is still madly in love with his own brother, after all? No, it couldn’t be. Itachi was not good. He was evil. He was a trator, a user. But why? Why did Itachi want him so badly if he fell down to the level of stabbing his brother with kunai in the back, just to take advantage of him?

Itachis’ hands were working Sasuke off the clothing. Soon he will get it all off.

Sasuke thought  that it was so stupid, this game. If he, Itachi, had just let him know how he’d felt,If he had just tried to express his love,- Sasuke would have given him his all. Yes, he would have. The thought was so unexpected but pleasuring and calming. Sasuke felt Itachis blood dripping onto his back from the hurt shoulder. It was sticky, warm, so …tempting.

Itachis bare torso slid upwards hardly touching Sasukes skin. He felt the tongue tickling him in the neck. The hairs on his back and arms rose on end.

If only Itachi had talked to him. He remembered Itachis’ strong "no!", when Sasukes’ hand reached to the forbidden area. Why did he do that? "Not yet", he said. But when? Why not? He remembered Itachis’ heavy "it’s too early". He knew Itachi wanted him, badly, madly. That very moment he didn’t desire anyone else but him, Sasuke. Why did he stop? Why did Itachi stop him?

 Itachis’ kisses became greedier, he was sucking in big mouthfuls of Sasukes neck skin, nibbling them, ripping them with teeth then licking around them tenderly. He was choking with pleasure. Sasuke could feel it with every fiber of his tensed body. Every fiber that was screaming out for more.

 The voice inside the head reminded that it was beyond normal, beyond wrong. His older brother was raping him on the kitchen floor and he liked it. He loved it. So badly, he couldn’t even feel the pain in the lung.

 Oh, please,more.

 Itachis fingers were running down Sasukes back, tenderly, electrically, making all his body arch and bow. The hands approached lower tender parts, itachi was sliding the tongue down the spine.

 Now, do it now. Oh, Itachi…

 Itachi approached the very place and slowly spread Sasukes legs with care. He placed his both hands on Sasukes soft halves and opened them. Sasuke could feel his breath tickling the skin there, right there. Itachi tongue was wet and soft. It was persistently going deeper in spite of Sasukes’ body trying to reject it.

 Oh, Itachi…don’t stop. Please don’t stop.

And Itachi didn’t. He half-stood behind, placing Sasukes thighs on his laps and entered. Slowly, carefully, making his way broader with every move. Pain covered Sasuke like tsunami wave, blinding and making him deaf, pulsing and echoing in every cell of his body. He was screaming his lungs out like he never screamed before in his entire life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2013 ⏰

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Uchihacest:Love on the kitchen floor: part of "Brotherly love from A to Z"Where stories live. Discover now