Never let your guard down.

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Morning came and Pria woke up early, leaving her room and heading to the balcony for some fresh air. She sat at the table and looked at the early brightening morning. She looked around, noticing that Mic had a few window boxes hanging over the railing of the balcony but no plants. She smiled and took the opportunity to nourish the dry soil with some water and create some flowers and plants for the boxes.

She planted the ever so needed Aloe Vera and Lavender for Mic and a few adorable flowers here and there. When she was done she looked at the finished product, "That's better."

She came into the kitchen and looked around for a vase. There was only one that she could find and filled the vessel with water and adorned it with lilac, white roses and eucalyptus. By the time Mic came down to start his pot of coffee, he noticed the sweet smell that wafted into the air, "Smells like someone woke up earlier than me." A knowing smile curved his lips. "Good Morning Blossom!"

"Morning." She said from the balcony. He joined her, looking at the new array of color that dotted the once boring area. "I see you've redecorated."

"Are you off today?" She asked him. Mic nodded and walked into the kitchen to start breakfast.

"Eggs okay?" He asked starting up the stove.

"Yeah." She stood next to him. "Need help?"

"Sure sweetie. I need the Spinach, bananas and peaches chopped."

She took the spinach and fruit, chopping the spinach leaves as Mic sprinkled it on top of the egg sandwiches he had made. Breakfast was served and they sat and ate on the patio. "So, how are you feeling?"

"Much better than yesterday." She replied.

"Are you well enough to go to a concert I'm DJing at?"

Pria almost choked on her food before answering, "You do concerts?"

"Yeah, I have to open for a band. Plus 11.11 FM is hosting it."

"That's cool. I would love to join you."

"Great! It starts around five at night, wear comfy clothes you can move around in and some ear plugs, it will be loud."

"What do we do until then?"

"You have me all day. We can do what we want." He smiled.

"Really? Can we train?" She asked eagerly. Mic tried so hard not to agree to her since she was still healing but his head nodded before he could say anything. Pria jumped from the table and hurried inside with Mic following behind.

"Okay, show me your fighting stance." He stood in front of her. Pria put her fists up and Mic shook his head. "Your fists should always be close to your face. This one should be right here." He moved her left hand closer to her cheek. "And this one should be here." He placed her right fist near her chin.

"Okay. Show me what you've got." He told her bluntly. Pria looked a little surprised and tilted her head. "You wanted me to train you, right? Go ahead and throw a punch, Blossom."

As much as she respected Mic to never have the desire to hit him, she did what she was told and threw the first punch, Mic blocked it right away without any hesitation. "Keep it coming." He told her.

Pria started fighting with him, each punch she made was either blocked or missed. After a few minutes he stopped her, "You hesitate too much before you throw a fist. You got to get into the headspace." 

"How do I do that?" She asked.

"Think of something you hate, something that annoys you. Those intrusive thoughts might do."

She put down her fists and chewed her lip in thought, "I don't know."

"Confront them, Blossom. It will help." He encouraged her.

Pria nodded and stood in her fighting stance again, placing her fists in the right positions. Mic did the same and they started to fight, each punch was more forceful than the last. She was more focused and calculated, she wanted to hit the thoughts where it hurt.

"Good, Pria." He spoke, blocking one punch but then receiving the other on his chest. "Oof! That on knocked the air out of me." Now it was time to start making up the surprise moves to see if she was focused enough to pay attention. He lifted his leg going in to kick her side enough for her to feel it bunt not hurt her. She turned and blocked the kick with her hip, she reared back her right fist, punching a mic in the chin.

"Ah! Shit." He held his face and Pria snapped out of it. "Damn, Blossom."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry-" she came to aide him but he suddenly knocked her to the ground, she looked up at him with surprise. "Don't let your guard down either."  He reached a hand to help her up but she pulled him down to the floor too. His stomach hit the wood floor and he coughed out a breath, "You learn fast." He sat up, looking down at her. "Good job. Did you feel the difference?"

"Yeah." She raised herself up to meet his level. "That was actually kind of therapeutic."

"Yeah, I figured it would help you blow off some steam. You're getting better."

"Thank you." She said gratefully. "What band is playing?"

"Uhm...some local bands and the featured artist is called Needtobreathe I think."

"Oh cool. I've never heard of them...then again, I don't have any taste in music.

"Yeah were going to change that tonight." He told her. "If you're living under this roof you got to love music."

Pria giggled in reply, "Noted."

After breakfast, Pria joined him in her room to host his morning show for a different station. "It is nine in the morning, seventy five degrees and partly sunny out today. Im your host Present Mic and this is Good Morning Tokyo. Lets wake you up gently today." He played a gentle song and turned hus mic off.

Blood Doesn't Make You Family Book 4. (Hero Killer Stains daughter.)Where stories live. Discover now