I will never trust you.

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Izuku woke up the next morning, remembering the secret he swore to keep. He wished he would've forgot, it would've been easier on him not to think about it all day. When the students sat down for breakfast, he noticed Pria coming in and his heart felt like it had shielded itself for a moment.

"Morning, Pria." He spoke up despite the way he felt.

"Morning." The whole class looked at her as if she had made time stop. Pria almost forgot, they haven't heard her speak yet. "What?"

The class fled to her with loads of questions and compliments. She was overwhelmed and overjoyed that they all were curious about who she really was and why she didn't talk until. Izuku came to break up the crowd and came to her side.

"Okay, okay. I'm sure she'll answer your questions when she's ready so please don't crowd her." He cautioned them.

The class settled down and continued their breakfast, "Pria, come sit with me." Momo called to her. She sat next to her friend. "How are you?"

"I'm okay Momo, you?"

"I'm great now, I'm happy that you're talking." She smiled.

"Me too, it's nice to trust you all enough to speak around you."

"Whenever you're ready to have that talk, I'm here." She reminded her.

"I know."

After breakfast they headed to class, Aizawa was teaching them history. He still wasn't able to provide a desk but Pria didn't mind, she loved to sit in the morning sunshine. She took notes relentlessly, trying to retain as much as she could since she came in so late in the year. She had to work harder than everyone else if she wanted to catch up.

Once the bell rang, Aizawa approached her, "So, I hear that you are talking now." He gave her a look that let her know he was proud of her.

"Yes, Sir." She told him. Apart from the first time she spoke when her voice was almost raspy and whispery. She got used to speaking again and her real voice came through. Her voice was almost angelic and innocent, like the voice of a child.

"Its nice to finally hear your voice, Pria."

"Thank you. I promise Ill start speaking more in class."

"Ill hold you to it." He gave her a smirk.

Pria smiled at him and left for her next class, she did her best to speak up in each class she had, leaving her teachers speechless. After school ended for the day, she walked with the sea of students that all hurried to leave the school for the weekend.

She bumped into someone and froze solid when she saw who it was.

"Oops, sorry about that Pria." All Might said with a smile to calm her spirits. Pria said nothing and just stood there stiff.

All Might knew that she had some sort of anger towards him and he looked at her frightened eyes.

"Listen Pria, I can only imagine what you went through. Just know that however you think of me, I hope that I can gain your trust."

Again Pria said nothing, she had so much hate for him. She hated All Might, this was the man that her father wanted her to be like. He proved to her over and over that she could never live up to him. Every cut on her body was proof that she was nothing compared to the Symbol of Peace.

"I will never trust you." She spoke.

All Might looked down at her in surprise but let her talk, whatever she had to say had to be heard.

"You're right, you cannot imagine what was inflicted upon me in the name of All Might." Her eyes were harsh and rageful. Thorned vines wrapped around her once again.

"What can I do to-"

"Nothing. You cannot undo what has been done to me." She shook in his presence.

"Pria, just know that I want the best for you."

"Please...leave me alone." She sobbed.

All Mights heart broke for her, it was a rare experience when he met a child that didn't love him. He knew that it would take time to show Pria that he wasn't the image that mocked her all of those years. He was fine with her reaction, he just wanted to show her that he was nothing like the picture her father engrained in her mind.

All Might gave her a nod and let her pass, hopefully he could show her the real All Might when she was ready.

She left the school and climbed down the steps only to see Shinso walking by. "Hey Pria." He smiled at her. She stopped in her tracks and he approached her, "So I hear that you have chosen to speak now."

"Yes." She simply said.

"You have a pretty voice." He looked surprised.


"I was about to get a bite to eat, do you want to join me?" He asked.

Pria blushed as pink petals fell from her, "I cannot pay."

"Its on me. No worries." He said admiring the petals that rained onto the ground.

"Okay." She smiled and left with him.

They walked to a ramen restaurant and sat down to eat. They ordered their food and started talking, "So, when did you decide to start talking?"

"Yesterday. I wanted to speak for a while but...I have a love hate relationship with my voice."

"Really? I think your voice is beautiful."

Pria held the response to blush again in fear of upsetting the people in the restaurant. He thought her voice was beautiful? She never heard that before.

"That's very nice of you, thanks."  She said shyly.

"What do you like to do?" He asked.

"You mean hobbies?"

"Yeah. What do you enjoy doing?" He chuckled.

Pria thought a little too long on the question. Unfortunately she didn't have many hobbies, she was too busy finding a place to lay her head everyday and find food.

"I like the simple things, I love nature. I like to lay in the sun, climb trees and walk barefoot in the grass."

Shinso smiled at how naturally she said that. She didn't even try to hide it.

"I should've guessed that you love nature." He looked at her for a second. "Your flowers correlate to your mood right?" He asked.

"Yes, I can also make them to get a message across." 

"I knew it." He smiled. "I know what my flower means now."

Pria thought back to the time she first met him. She couldn't stop the petals from falling now, he knew.

Blood Doesn't Make You Family Book 4. (Hero Killer Stains daughter.)Where stories live. Discover now