Chapter 1: White Sapphire

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Looking around the bustling train terminal before sneaking into one of the train cars with my companion following closely behind me, we silently make a beeline towards the back of the train before sliding into a vacant seat and pulling our hoods up to avert as much attention as possible. 

Once all the passengers have been seated a stocky guard with Ivory skin donned in a black suit, white gloves and a flat cap makes his way down the aisle punching holes in passenger's tickets. Once he makes it to our seat he holds up the puncher waiting for our tickets. I eye him before gradually pulling out the two yellow tickets from my pocket and handing it to him. He takes them and looks at them before looking back at us. Gulping  I try to keep a straight face hoping not to give away that the tickets I have just handed him are not real but fraudulent copies. With my hands balled tight, I seal my lips waiting for comment but when I hear the puncher click two holes through the tickets I look at him in disbelief when he hands them back to me in a nonchalant manner. With a simple tip of his cap, he turns around and begins heading back down the train car.  

Sighing in relief I fall back into the cushioned seats and stretch out my tense limbs before turning to Abiba."Looks like our faux tickets worked, thanks to your craftsmanship. "I say quietly nudging her in the side while giving a light smile. She simply hums before looking out the window revealing the beautiful countryside. Vast hills of green pastures filled with lovely flowers of yellow, violet and white grow row by row adjacent to farmland filled with grazing horses, cows and chickens. Once I've taken in the view I start to yawn, my eyelids begin to grow heavy and before I know it I find myself drifting off into my thoughts. As I drift into a light sleep my thoughts take me to the past few months in which I had taken up bounty hunting. I can not fully explain why I chose this line of work, perhaps it was out of the need for money or perhaps it was out of my interest in bringing justice to those who need it the most. Regardless of the source, I have come to a consensus that this line of work bests suits someone of my...mien. 


Once the Endovika express pulls into the train station Abiba and I rush off the train and head into town. This job is like many others I've completed in the past. Most consist of petty thieves, doubles-crossers and vendettas. Regardless of the target, I do not falter. Perhaps it's because of the years I spent in the academy training in the arts of weaponry and combat, nonetheless, when I work I separate my bounty self from my own being, intern becoming a whole new Opal.

Once we reach the town the orange sky catches my eyes signalling sunset. I watch as it begins to sink below the horizon beckoning early evening. I nudge Abiba nodding to the clock tower before staring at the clock's hands.

"Once the clock hits the ninth hour find a position to shoot," I say gesturing to the bank.

"I'll walk in there half past to find him and once you see me spear him. I say gesturing to her bow. She nods and puts up her hood before making her way toward the bank roof.


I slide through the bank doors with my head held low and scan the area. His Name is Chit and he's a pudgy pale man short in stature with a bald head and a graying mustache. I want his head!  

I walk through the emptying building as I search for our bounty. The last dregs of people make their way out of the building without a glance my way. Suddenly a door creeks open from the left of me and low and behold comes a man that fits the description. I slightly grin and make my way toward him.

"Excuse me," I say in a questioning tone whilst lowering my hood. Looking up at him with a kind smile before speaking. 

"Would you by any means be the banker named Chit?" I say politely. He slowly nods his head giving me a once-over before speaking.

"Yes, I am he, what is it you need?" He questions with his brow cocked up and eyes trained on his pocket watch. The gold thing dangles from its chain before he stuffs it into his breast pocket and looks up at me wearily. I look around before pulling a black pouch out from under my cloak.

" A man named Dolion asked me to give you this." I open the pouch revealing a cluster of white sapphire gems. His eyes match the dazzle of the gems while his hand reaches for the pouch. I snatch the pouch away and close it before stuffing it back in my cloak.

"Pardon me but sir Dolion had mentioned a special request before you receive these gems," I say giving a polite smile. He looks at me then down at my cloak. Readjusting his collar he speaks.

" What type of special request did he mention?" He asks with a brow cocked up in intrigue. I shrug my shoulders and look to the street.

"Follow me."


Once we step out into the street the sun has nearly sunken beneath the horizon line and its quarter to ten. I dig into my pocket and pull out a small piece of paper then hand it to him.

" Sir Dolion had requested you read this passage before receiving your gift." I hold out a piece of folded paper for him to take. He looks at me confused for a moment but once I pull out the pouch of gems he clears his throat and grabs the paper.

" I'm glad that you've received this gift because it's the last one you will ever be receiving from my family." His brows furrowed before continuing.

" It has come to light that you have been stealing from my family for yea-" He looks up at me flustered whilst clutching the paper.

"What preposterous absurdity is this?! Sir Dolion would never write such a heinous message!" He says fuming. I cross my arms and look over at the town clock. Once the hand strikes the tenth hour a sly grin snake across my face.

" Your right, sir Dolion would never send such a heinous message to his loyal employee... but it's comical that he would have that said loyal employee assassinated," I say slyly before backing up.

" Wait w-what do you me-" before he can finish his sentence an arrow pierces through the air meeting his head. His body topples over leaving him on his back.

What a shame his death was quick and painless...pathetic.

I look up to the roof of the bank and wink at Abiba. She nods her head and disappears out of view. Crouching down I eye the arrow that pierced cleanly through his skull. I've done this so much that seeing the sight of my dead adversaries has left me wondering with each kill what their last thoughts have been before they pass.

Not dwelling on the manner any longer I pull up my hood just in time for Abiba to show up. Her body casts a shadow above the dead man and she crouches to the ground.

" We better get going before someone comes." I nod and crouch down next to the body. Pulling out my knife from under my cloak I center the blade on his neck and begin to cut.

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