Chapter 4

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Joey's POV.

After going inside with Kate, we didn't get much recording done.

It was mostly everyone fooling around, talking or just sat staring at each other.

Whenever Kate decided to pop by the studio it was always the same. I was sat by the piano just playing some songs, Alan and Chad would sit talking about life, and Cal and Kate would run around the building after one of them pulled a prank at the other.

After a while I got bored by the piano and walked over to Alan and Chad, joining in on their conversation.

Kate came walking in a few minutes later, laying down on top of me as I chuckle lightly.

Kate - "What?"

Me - "You are so out of breath, what did you and Cal really do?"

I wiggled my eyebrows and the lads started to laugh, giving me some highfives.

Kate - "Run around the buil- Hey! You keep that mouth of yours shut!"

Me - "Just speaking the words that's on everyones mind."

Kate - "Yeah yeah, whatever."

Me - "Still on for later?"

Kate - "Like always."

She smiled at me and closed her eyes. I felt her body jump a little, telling me that she was about to fall into some deep sleep.

Me - "Hey, where's Cal? She never told us that."

Alan - "Probably just talking to some girl somewhere."

Me - "The only girl he talks to is the one sleeping on my lap."

Alan - "Touché."

Chad - "Maybe he just went somewhere quick?"

I shrugged my shoulders, deciding to call him. Which ended with me calling him around 10 times, which no such luck as an answer.

Just when I hung up Kate's phone went off, making her bolt up and trying to find it in her pocket.

Kate - "Hello babygirl! Chas what's wrong?"

She started pacing back and forth in the room, pursing her lips.

Kate - "Mr Harper?"

I sighed, as I fisted my hands without realizing.

Kate - "I'm not at home right now babe, but if you come and pick me up we can go somewhere and talk."

She ran a hand through her blonde hair, worry shown in her brown eyes as she hung up and texted someone, probably the address to Chas.

Me - "What's wrong?"

Kate - "It's Chas and mr Harper, they got into a fight as usual."

Me - "It happens that often still?"

She shook her head, looking down at the ground before looking up at me.

Kate - "It's because of you. It's gotten worse ever since he found out that I still hang out with you. He's scared that she's seeing you behind his back."

Chad - "I never really got why he hates Joey though. Joseph is the sweetest guy on earth."

He pinched my cheeks, making Alan start laughing.

Kate - "I know he is, and yet I don't know."

She sighed as she got a text, quickly looking at it, before running over to Alan and Chad giving them both a hug and kiss on the cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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