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So we're at the dance and I see bae  and I run to him and I jump and he catches me and spins me and kisses me  on the cheek.

G-Hey babe
L-Hey I missed you
G- I missed you to are you ready to get our dance on?
L-heck ya!!

We start dancing then my friends izzy and Juanita come and do what they always do and pushed me into him and he caught me but after we kissed on the lips.

Izzy- I love you
Juanita- I'm gonna go find my boy friend Juan.

L-I'm so sorry why are they always doing this to me
G-It's ok I wondering when we were gonna kiss like that
L-o I thought you were gonna be mad hehe
G-Why would I be mad at such an adorable girl that just kissed me
L-cause I didn't know if you were ready to kiss on the lips
G-I've always been ready

So the we love birds were dancing all night, ate pizza, drank soda, and danced to a slow song. As we were dancing to the slow song I laid my head down on his shoulder and he hugged me the whole time and then when it was over he looked me straight in the eyes and said:
G- I have never believed in love at first sight till I met you.

Then I started to cry and he was so adorable and said he never wants to see me cry only happy tears and he hugged me and held my hand for the rest of the night.

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