Cordelia's POV

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As we get into the car, Lucy asks if she can put on music for our drive into town. I say, "Of course," and Lucy plays "It's Alright" by the Indigo Girls. She listens to Indigo Girls?

She starts singing along, which I love. She has such a beautiful voice. As we drive and Lucy sings along, I wish I could capture this moment in time and stay here forever.

Soon enough, though, we arrive downtown and park in front of a row of shops. Lucy and I get out of the car and decide to start with a little boutique on the corner. As we start to browse the clothes, I look for things that would match the deep ocean blue of Lucy's eyes. I'm just about to show her a few tops I have picked out when she turns around. The light from the windows hits her eyes and lightens them to the color of the sky on a perfect, cloudless day. I look down at the clothes I've picked and realize that I've got it all wrong. I immediately start to search for something else. 

I'm still searching a few minutes later when Lucy comes over to show me what she's found. I notice she's only got a few neutral colored tops and two pairs of jeans. "Are you sure you don't want anything a bit more fun? Some brighter colors or patterns?"

She shakes her head. "This is all I can really afford, so I think it's best to have some pretty basic options."

"Lucy, I can pay for this stuff," I say.

"No, I won't let you. You've already done much more for me than I can repay."

"When are you gonna learn that sometimes help is a one-way street?"

She shakes her head, laughing a little. "I'm gonna go try these on."

As she's walking away, I turn to find just what I had been looking for. A light cerulean romper with a pattern of little white flowers. I get one that looks like Lucy's size and bring it back to the dressing rooms. "Lucy?"

"In here!"

I walk over to the stall that the voice came from. "Will you try this on for me, honey?" I hand it to her over the door, and stand back to wait.

After a moment, she comes out. She walks over to the big mirror and stands in front of it, looking at herself. I come up behind her and put my hands on her waist, saying, "You look gorgeous, sweetheart."

Lucy smiles. "Yeah, but I can't exactly afford to spend $40 on a romper." My hands slide off of her as she retreats back into the dressing room. Then, the romper appears again hanging over the door. I take it, and while Lucy gets dressed, I sneak up to the front and buy it. 

After getting Lucy some new clothes, I take her to my favorite little ice cream shop downtown. I get up to the counter to order, and get one scoop of black raspberry for myself. I then look at Lucy, and I know she wants mint chocolate chip. I also know that she wants two scoops, but is only going to ask for one. "And two scoops of mint chocolate chip, please." She looks at me, surprised that I could read her mind.

As we walk back to the car, Lucy asks, "How did you know what I was going to order?"

I chuckle slightly before I reply, "I'm the Supreme, sweetheart."

"And what exactly does that mean?"

I sigh, preparing myself to explain this. "Since the beginning, witches have had a leader with outstanding magical abilities, called the Supreme. It's not something that we have any control over. And as the next Supreme rises, the old one fades away to death."

"Who died for you to become Supreme?"

"My mother..."

"Oh Cordelia, I'm so sorry," she starts, but I cut her off.

"Don't be. She was a terrible leader, and an even worse mother. She had made me believe that I couldn't possibly be her successor."

"But she was wrong?"

"Yes. I passed the test of the Seven Wonders, which is how one can prove that she is the next Supreme."

Lucy is silent for a moment, then asks, "But... there isn't going to be a new Supreme for a long time, right?"

"I hope not," I chuckle. "Why do you ask, little one?"

She swallows, then says, "I just don't want you to die any time soon."

"Me neither," I say.

I take her hand as we walk, holding on to this sweet girl.

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