Lucy's POV

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I wake up feeling like I never slept. I know I was tossing and turning most of the night, but I must have slept some because the bright morning sunlight is very different than the cool darkness I felt trapped in for most of the night.

I sit up in bed, and the clock on the nightstand tells me it's 9:00. As I get out of bed, I see myself in Cordelia's clothes and remember last night. I try to keep myself from blushing as I remember I'm also wearing Cordelia's underwear. Her black, silky underwear with just a little bit of lace on the waistband. It suits her so well.

I head to the bathroom to check on my clothes. While they're not quite soaked, they're still pretty damp. I can't wear them into town unless Cordelia knows some magical drying spell.

I walk down the hall to Cordelia's room, and wonder if the other girls are already in class. When I reach Cordelia's door, I knock, and she opens the door so quickly it seems like she was just waiting for my arrival. She smiles when she sees me.

"Lucy," she says, "Come in."

She opens the door further, and I enter her room. She's already dressed, in high waisted black pants and a light floral blouse. "Let's find you something to wear," she says. Cordelia looks at me, biting her lip, then says, "I suppose you'll need a bra, too." As she turns to start looking for an outfit for me, I glance down at my chest. I hadn't been conscious of being braless until just now. I don't want her to feel bad, but I don't think I could fit into any bra she has. She's rummaging through her drawer, trying to find one for me.

"Cordelia, it's fine, I really don't-"

"What size?"


She turns around in disbelief, but as her eyes find my chest, she swallows and says, "Wow."

I look down, feeling my cheeks turn red. I look back up at Cordelia, whose eyes finally come up to meet mine. She takes a quick breath, almost like a gasp, and turns back around. "Well, I'm afraid anything I have would be three sizes too small..." she says, but turns to go find something in her wardrobe. She's searching through a never-ending sea of loose, flowing blouses until she finds what she's looking for. 

She pulls out a royal blue bandeau top, strapless and cropped. "This could work," she says, extending it to me. I take the shirt, and turn around to try it on. As I try to pull it over my head, my arms get stuck, and I can't get the shirt on.


"Let me help," she says. She comes up behind me and pulls the top down over my breasts to sit comfortably around my torso. She holds my waist for just a moment after she's done.

I put my arms down and turn around to model the top. Cordelia steps back to look at me. "I love it, but not with the sweatpants." I laugh, and walk towards the mirror as Cordelia goes back to the wardrobe to find some pants for me. Looking in the mirror, I can see why Cordelia picked this for me. It's probably the closest thing to a bra that would fit me. I look a little closer, and realize that you can see my nipples through it. I shrug internally. #FreeTheNip I guess...

Cordelia then brings me a pair of black jeans. I take off the grey sweatpants, and slide the jeans on over the borrowed underwear. The jeans fit my hips, but there's a slight gap where they're too big for my waist. "My goodness, you're tiny," Cordelia says, bringing me a silver belt to hold up the pants.

When I've buckled the belt, I look at her. "I've got boots that I can wear, too."

"Good," she says. "How about a jacket?" I shake my head. She pulls out a black leather jacket for me to wear.

As I slip it on, I say, "It feels a little weird to be dressed this nicely with no makeup."

Cordelia reaches out and touches my face. "You don't need it. You're already so beautiful."

I try not to blush as I excuse myself to go get my boots on. 

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