Chapter 2: Castle Dimitrescu

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3rd Person

(Y/N) booked it through the woods just as he had a few hours ago. Whichever dumbass sense of his had decided to stay out for the night had nearly gotten him killed. The Lycans had returned (just as he expected) and now it was back to running.

"In what world is this an okay thing for the gods to let happen?!" (Y/N) said, trying to cover his overwhelming fear with his overwhelming desire for comedy. Four Lycans were practically on his ass, snarling and growling as they chased after him through the light snow.

Surely he couldn't keep this up for long. It was already a gift from the gods that he was able to barely outspeed the vicious bastards. He couldn't keep up the pace. Back in high school he took track and field which probably helped his stamina by a large margin, but that didn't mean he was incapable of exhaustion. Then again, he spent only one third of his spare time in track. The rest he spent in music like the wonderful little artist he was.

"No need to brag about yourself, (Y/N). Calm down." He thought to himself. A dim light started to glow in the distance. The more (Y/N) ran, the more it seemed to light up. Eventually it reached the brightness and size of a light bulb, and that's when the Lycans behind the man seemed to growl in displeasure.

(Y/N) checked behind him, seeing the creatures snarl as they halted their chase, refusing to follow any further. Huh. What a surprise.

"What's that about?" He thought as he saw the odd scene, but that didn't stop him from his escape. Oh, no.

The light eventually began to materialise into a hanging lantern- two hanging lanterns. In front of him was a set of double doors, accompanied by two windows on either side. Finally. Shelter.

The Lycans seemed to disappear back into the darkness as (Y/N) claimed victory, slowly pushing open the medieval looking doors. A red carpet trailed forward, leading towards a set of stairs on each side of the room. It seemed to be a main hall of some kind.

"The money I'd pay to own this." (Y/N) mumbled as he admired the place. A chandelier was hung above, full of lights that brought the room to a glow. Maybe the owners were somewhat sane. Scratch that. Nobody in this hell was sane. Not the villagers and probably not him.

He decided it was worth a shot to explore and perhaps find the owner and see if they were fine with him crashing in the place. Taking a stride forward, he made his way through one of the nearby sets of doors and entered a hallway. Beautiful old paintings were hung up on each wall, while Victorian style tables and stools were set up every now and again.

Reaching the end of the hall, he opened the next set of doors to reveal a dining room. The place was void of people, but it still held remnants of activity. A few wine glasses were left on the table, and a chair or two were pulled out ever so slightly.

The glasses had probably a drop or two of red liquid left in them, showing they had been drank from. There were two plates left next to two of the wine glasses, off centre as if someone had attempted to pick them up with full hands before scrapping the idea.

(Y/N) got so caught up with examining the table and its contents that he forgot what he was doing. Then again, maybe it was for the best for him to stay in this room. Perhaps someone would come here to take the rest of the glasses and plates away.

The hairs on the back of his neck began to slowly rise on their own rather than being driven by fear, confusing (Y/N) and making him realise he was nervous. He had just strolled into a stranger's home without a second thought. Although it was definitely better than dealing with Lycans after what he had seen today.

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