Arranged Marriages

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"Bub, wake up. We're here," a gentle voice was heard as someone shook me awake. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Kiyo shaking me with a slight smile on his face.

I leaned in to kiss his lips since he was right in front of my face anyways. I slowly stood up, and walked out. I grabbed the bags, and distributed them to each member of the team.

I didn't see Inarizaki, so I assumed that they weren't here yet. However, I did see my brother who apparently arrived here with his team before Itachiyama.

"Keiji!" I semi-shouted as I ran over to him. He, along with some of his teammates, turned to look at me. "Oh it's little Akaashi! Long time no see," Konoha-San said.

"Hi Konoha-San!" I said while giving Keiji a hug, then going to give him a hug. I could feel Kiyo's piercing glare towards me and Konoha-San.

"Please excuse me, someone's getting jealous. It was nice to see you guys again!" I said, not loud enough for Kiyo to hear. Konoha-San laughed and patted my head.

"Go to him," he said. I bowed and walked back to Kiyo. "Aww, is my baby jealous?" I teased Kiyo while holding his hand and walking to Itachiyama's room since the other members were already there.

Kiyo rolled his eyes. "You're hugging someone other than me from another unfamiliar place, how could I not be?" he retorted. Well at least he admitted it.

"One, I already have a boyfriend who I love beyond everything else. Two, Konoha-san has a crush on one of his team managers. And three, Konoha-san sees me as a little sister," I said, looking at Kiyo.

"As long as he doesn't take you from me, that's fine," he said, focusing on the ground and avoiding my gaze. Aww, now he's embarrassed.

I hugged his arm as we walked through the halls. "I would never even think of leaving you for someone else," I mumbled softly. Kiyo squeezed one of my hands as we parted ways.

"I'll see you at lunch," I said as I waved goodbye to Kiyo and walked into the manager's room. I was greeted by a really pretty girl, and a really adorable girl.

"Hello, I'm Shimizu Kiyoko, third year. It's nice to meet you," the pretty girl said while bowing. I was stunned by her beauty, but I quickly bowed back. "I'm Akaashi Y/N, second year. It's very nice to meet you Shimizu-senpai and..." I waited for the cute girl to tell me her name.

"AH! Oh, I'm Yachi Hitoka, first year! It's nice to meet you!" The cute blonde girl bowed at a 90 degree angle. "Yachi-san, nice to meet you too!" I said happily.

Yachi's POV~ Oh my goodness, I'm surrounded by two pretty girls! What if their fans try to hurt me since I'm gonna sleep in the same room as them?? No, Hitoka, we've had this conversation before, they won't hurt me.

Y/N's POV~ "Alright, this is your bed," Shimizu-senpai said, leading me to one of the beds in the corner. I bowed again as a thank you, and set my two bags down next to it.

"Hi!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to look at the doorway and saw Yukie-chan and Kaori-chan. "Yukie-san/-senpai/-chan, Kaori-san/-senpai/-chan, nice to see you again," Shimizu-senpai, Yachi-san, and I said in unison while bowing.

I looked at Shimizu-senpai and Yachi-san. "You guys know them too?" I asked. They both nodded. I smiled. "Nice to see you guys too!" Yukie-chan and Kaori-chan said together.

"We're just waiting on R/N-chan now huh?" I muttered to myself. R/N-chan's never met these 4 managers, so she'll be making some new friends too.

"So little Akaashi, we saw you holding Sakusa-kun's hand. What's up with that~" Yukie-chan asked teasingly.

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