Kisses and Girl Things

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I woke up in Kiyo's arms, with no little girl clinging onto me. "You awake?" I heard Kiyo ask. I propped my chin on his chest and sleepily said, "Yeah."

Kiyo kissed my forehead, not without me smiling happily of course. I looked to the side and noticed the owl plush I bought for Akemi was gone.

"Did Akemi leave?" I asked Kiyo. He nodded. "Bokuto-San wants me to thank you again for buying Akemi-San the plushie and for the cookies," he said.

I smiled again, and grabbed the weasel that looks uncannily like Kiyoomi. I propped the weasel next to Kiyo's head.

"Kitachi really does look like you. He's our child now," I said while giggling a bit. *Kitachi is a play off of Kiyoomi and itachi, which means weasel in Japanese*

Kiyo smirked and said, "Guess our children are all gonna look like me." I blinked for a second before processing what he just said. I flushed bright pink, and hid my face in Kiyo's chest.

Once I recovered from my blushing state, I looked up at Kiyo. "You want kids?" I asked. Kiyo thought for a moment. "Yeah, a kid would be nice. I'd teach them to spray Miya with Lysol," he said.

I looked at him in disbelief for a moment before we both burst out with laughter.

We both calmed down from our laughing fits. "If we have a girl, can we name her Hina?" I asked with pleading eyes. Kiyo looked at me.

"Sakusa Hina doesn't sound bad, but what about if it's a boy?" He asked. I thought for a moment. "Sakusa... Akira?" I suggested. Kiyo thought for a moment before saying, "Akira's a nice name."

I hummed. A family with Kiyo, huh? That would make them Mori's niece or nephew! Actually, they would technically be his first cousins once removed, but it sounds better to say Mori's their uncle.

"You actually come up with decent names. I kinda thought you were gonna suggest we name our children Shoto or Kaede *MHA and Assassination Classroom*," Kiyo said.

I thought for a moment. "What about-" "Don't even think about naming our kids after anime people." I pouted and Kiyo laughed.

"Let's go downstairs. Keiji-kun's watching Naruto," Kiyo said. I rolled off of him, and he got off the bed. He reached a hand out toward me, and I took it.

We walked to the doorway, but I tugged on Kiyo's hand and stopped him. I stood on my toes, and kissed his lips, this time without the mask. Kiyo wrapped his arms around my waist, hands resting on my sides. My hands were cupping his cheeks.

"Ahem," someone coughed at the top of the staircase. I pulled away and saw Keiji standing there staring at me and Kiyo with a smirk. I stuck my tongue out at him, which Keiji returned.

Kiyo just laughed and kissed my nose. He took my hand and gently pulled me to the staircase where Keiji was. I hugged Keiji. "Welcome home!" I said.

Keiji patted my back. "I'm home." We pulled away and went downstairs. "Wanna watch a movie you two?" Keiji asked. I nodded, then looked at Kiyo.

"Yeah sure," he said. We all went to sit down on the couch. By this point, it was 8:30 pm.

We watched My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising *sorry if you don't like MHA*. Kiyo's head was on my lap while I ran my fingers through his curly hair.

*Ok so the couch is in a "U" kinda shape. Both Akaashis (you and Keiji) are on the sides, while Sakusa's in the middle, lying on your lap*

By the time the movie finished, Kiyo was already sleeping soundly on my lap. I didn't want to push him off, so I just continued stroking his hair, before falling asleep.

The Next Morning~ I woke up and Kiyo was still sleeping on my lap, which wasn't good... since I felt blood leaking.

I quickly, but gently took Kiyo's head off my lap, and checked the couch to see if I had bled through all the way. Luckily, I only bled through my underwear, so I went upstairs to put on a pad and change.

I came back downstairs. Keiji and Kiyo weren't awake yet, so I decided to start cooking breakfast, hoping the scent of pancake batter would wake them up.

I can only cook three things: Cookies, cake, and pancakes/waffles. I have no idea why I'm good at cooking these particular things, but I am.

As I got the pancake batter together, I started eating a chocolate bar because why not? I'm on my period, so I can eat whatever I want hehe.

I took a second chocolate bar and broke it up. I dropped the pieces in the batter, so now we have chocolate chip pancakes!

I felt a hand slithering around my waist and someone's chin resting on my head. I smiled, already knowing who it was. "Morning Kiyo!" I said cheerfully.

Kiyo hummed and kissed my head. I finished mixing the batter and Kiyo let go of me so I could pour the batter into the pan. I poured a normal sized amount of batter and waited for the right time to flip it.

I waited 5 minutes to flip the pancake, then put it on a plate. I handed it to Kiyo, who thanked me. "Itadakimasu," he said before eating.

I made my own pancake and did the same thing. "Is it good Kiyo?" I asked before taking a bite of my own pancake. He looked at me and said, "You kinda burnt mine on the side a little, but it's not bad."

"Hehe, sorry about that," I said sheepishly, then took a bite of pancake. Kiyo ruffled my hair and said, "It's fine, it's still edible. It's incredible considering the other monstrosities you've made."

I looked at him with an offended look. "You can't cook better than I can, so don't even. You even dropped the waffle-"

Kiyo pressed his lips against mine to shut me up. Before I could kiss back, he pulled away. "We don't talk about that," he said while smirking at my heavily blushing face.

I cooled my face down, then smirked back. "What if I keep bringing it up?" I asked. "Then I'll just have to shut you up some more." 

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