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Two voices interrupted her relaxation. One unfamiliar sounded like a scared young woman, one familiar sounded like it was pleading with the first.

"Luci, Where I am? where have you taken me?" She heard the first say.

"Don't worry. It's fine. It's my home." The second said whom she recognised as being her son.

She knew exactly what was happening. Her husband fortunately wasn't here so she could handle with interference.

"Lucifer, is that you?" She called over and over. She found them on the balcony. They were on the balcony. The girl was crying, he was looking away looking hurt. It was a familiar scene.

"Lucifer!" She embraced her son. "Are you going to introduced me?" Seeing the girl.

"Mother, this is Clarissa. The girl I was telling you about."

"You, mean she's your girlfriend," she said with exasperation, feeling history repeating itself "If she is your girlfriend, you should say so!" Holding out her hand she warmly welcomed the frightened girl, "I am so pleased to meet you. Lucifer has told me so much about you." Turning to Lucifer she told her son, "Take Clarissa to change into something more comfortable then come back as I want to talk to you." Returning to the girl, "Let's have a chat over a cup of tea when you have changed."

When her son returned, she made him fully aware of his mistakes,

"Did you ask her permission before bringing her here?"

"She wouldn't believe I was trying to convince her who I was."

"You mean no you didn't and how long have you been seeing this girl before you told her who you were?"

"About a year." Her son said knowing he was in trouble.

"A year! And now you decided to tell her. So, you brought her here to tell her. Did you think about how she would feel, how she would react?"

"Well.....she needs to know, if we are going to get married."

"For a smart by you can be completely clueless sometimes. You should have told her a long time ago. What if she doesn't want to marry you now, now she knows? Did you think of that? You have been dishonest with that poor girl."

"She has to marry me, her parents signed a contract. Father told me."

She rolled her eyes,

"Of course, a contract, there is always is contract. That contract is meaningless. It is a trick. If she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to marry you. Her feelings can't be controlled. Didn't your father tell you that?"

The silence told her he hadn't and it didn't surprise her.

"Go find your father, I want to talk to him."

As her son left chastised, the girl returned. She reminded her of herself all that time ago, in the same situation, frightened and confused.

"Come and sit down my dear," she said pouring two cups of tea. "I am sure you have many questions but before I do let me tell you, my story. I am Sara Beatriz Nugent, the daughter of a British prime minister and I have been married to the Lord of the Underworld for two thousand years."

A Fateful ContractWhere stories live. Discover now