"Yeah, I want that to." Sam agreed and holding Sara closer kissed her passionately something that Sara was more than happy to reciprocate.

"Oh!" Sara said suddenly breaking off. "I nearly forgot. My mother and father have invited you to lunch. Can you make the May Day weekend? They want to meet you."

"I've been invited to lunch at 10 Downing Street?"

"No, thank God. That place is awful. No at our family home."

"Sure, I guess. I haven't got plans."

"Brilliant, I'll let them know."

"Another thing, why do talk so formally about your parents? You always call them mother and father. It is a bit old fashioned."

"I don't know. I always have. It is what they've always called each other in front of me. I suppose it is because we are a bit posh." Sara mused. "What about your parents? You never talk about them or home. Have you told them about me?"

Sara saw Sam tense up and she could have sworn that his eyes turned that crimson red again. The question was half in jest but she would have liked to know more about his home, where he was from. Sam was good looking with a hint of rebelliousness that made a young man attractive to a young woman but he never talked about himself. Like Sara he was bit of a loner but he had a keen intellect. He could be clumsy in how he talked to her but he was sincere and she loved that about him.

Sam then relaxed and that crimson red left his eyes.

"Of course. They know everything about you." He smiled.

"Everything?" Said Sara. It was a strange turn of phrase Sam used.

"Yeah, everything I know at least."

Sara reached forward and kissed Sam. She was determined to get him to open up to her. She would have to get her mother's advice on the matter.

The next few weeks, before Sam met Sara's parents, the young couple were inseparable. They had sex for the first time and quite regularly after that. The first time was enjoyable but a little painful for Sara. Sam finished a little too quick for Sara at first but as they got used to each and guided each other it became more and more enjoyable for both. More and more it was Sara who was initiating sex than Sam.

University still went well. Despite their relationship they stayed disciplined with their studies and the both of them remained top of their year.

With Sara not having a social circle her bodyguard, Simon, had it easy. A bit of a friendship and affection developed between the two of them. Simon was in his fifties, powerful and confident, looking ten years younger than he was. He had the ability to despatch men half his age and twice his size with ease. Sara was his last bodyguard job before compulsory retirement. Despite initial suspicion and hostility to Sam he came to accept Sam. But he was never friendly towards him. Simon had become a sort of surrogate father to Sara. He had a daughter a little older than Sara and he wasn't going to allow "any old douchebag", as he put it, near his ward but he did allow Sam stay over and ride with them in the car when Sara assured him Sam was no threat.

"Who am I to get in the way of young love." He said showing a surprising romantic side.

The May Day weekend arrived and Sam wasn't just invited to lunch, he was invited for the weekend. When the car arrived drove through the gates and up the driveway to Sara's house Sam's eyes widened at the size of the house.

"Wow, I have struck gold with you." He told Sara.

This earnt him a cold hard stare from Simon which stopped Sam making his next comment.

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