
279 12 9

769 words

published 6/19/2021

tw: none

cw: angst

karl pov | at the party

a few minutes after, alex and nick met us at the front door of the house. they walked up to us hand in hand.

"you guys ready to go?" i asked while alex walked up to me and hugged me tightly. i hug him back and rest my head on his shoulder. "hey its okay, its okay." i hear him sniff and i break the hug and wrap my arm around his shoulder pulling him into a side hug while we walked.

it hurt me seeing alex this broken down. i felt nicks hand on my shoulder when we got to the car and he held out his hand.

"keys." i grabbed my keys from inside my pocket and placed them into his hand. i opened the back door and climbed in with alex following. he rested his head on my shoulder and i rest my head on his own.

"im sorry this happened alex, i shouldnt have made you do this." i whispered gently and rubbed his back with my hand. he was fast asleep with an occasional tear falling from his eye.

when we got to my apartment, nick opened the door and held alex in his arms carefully. he hands me back my keys and i pocket them. i close the door and walk over to clay. i rest my head on his shoulder and he engulfs me in a side hug. when we make it to the door of my apartment i unlock it and slide into the house followed by the three boys. i close the door behind them and walk upstairs to my guest room. nick follows with alex in his arms as i grab a few blankets from the linen closet and place them at the foot of the bed.

i walk to my room and grab two hoodies and two pairs of sweatpants. i go back into the guest room to see alex and nick already cuddling on the bed. i smile at the sight and place the clothes on the nightstand, grabbing a blanket and laying it over them.

i close the door, after taking a picture of course, and walk back downstairs to where clay was sitting on the couch. he was peacefully sleeping and i brushed away a few of the locks of hair in front of his face. he was beautiful. i placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and started turning off the lights and locking the doors. i heard a gentle voice behind me and two arms wrapping around my waist.

"one more minute." i turn around and hug him. remembering our first true encounter where he told me those exact words.

"im so glad i found you clay." i looked up at his eyes and he smiled pressing his lips to my forehead making me scrunch my nose and shut my eyes.

"that was cute." i open one eye, then the other and roll them both. i held his hand and walked upstairs. he slowly followed me like a lost pet.

when we reached my room i handed him a change of clothes and he went to the restroom to change.

dream pov  | at karls apartment

i changed clothes and walked back into karls room seeing him already asleep in his bed. i walk over and lay down next to him wrapping both of my arms around him as he turns to look at me, smiling and pressing he face into the crook of my neck.

i remembered the words nick told me. "clay, you are an idiot. if you like him tell him before he is gone. thats what i do with alex. but i dont tell him straight up. i call him mi amor. find something like that for karl."  i sighed knowing he was right and glanced down at karl in my arms.

"youre my yellow." he looks up at me and smiles.

"and youre my dream." i smile back at him, i knew that he didnt know about my streaming job, but hearing it from his voice made me worry of what he would say when he did find out


a/n sorry this is a short filler chapter, i am doing this instead of studying for a health exam i have in two days so yeah. bro the quizlet i made is over 600 cards and i bunched a ton of stuff together like dude why.

okay but seriously can someone be my yellow.

i decided to reread flowers of 1970 and i am sad now but yea.

make sure if you are postponing homework or stuff if you are still in school to go do that and stay hydrated!

the bakery [karlwastaken] [hiatus]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant