Chapter 02: Aftermath (Part II)

Start from the beginning

"Hey Angel," Brandon barged into his room. "Nice job fucking Blaire last night man," Jayden's eyes beamed with anger. "Selene said she heard you guys in her room next door." Why Angel tried so hard to hide it and of course, Brandon had to ruin it. "I guess while Ziek and I were working on our muscles. You were working on your-," He pointed down toward his crotch.

"I'm going to kill you." Jayden swung his sharp dagger at Angel. He prepared to dodge but Brandon caught the blade crushing it in his hand. "Move Brandon," He glared deep into Brandon's eyes. "Angel fucked my dream girl, if he doesn't die today, you will."

"Wanna say that again?" Brandon threatened. "I would wipe the floor with your ass in seconds. So unless you want to be my mop I strongly suggest you back the fuck up bro." He walked closer to Jayden, his feet shaking the ground slightly.

"Bitch, I will stab you in the face." Jayden screamed. "You don't want to be caught up in this. I will kick your ass so hard, you're going to feel it for months. Now get out of my way Brandon." Brandon prepared to strike him, Jayden readied his second dagger. The two started to attack each other before either of them could. Selene appeared, catching Brandon's punch and blocking Jayden's slash.

"Enough," Selene knocked Jayden's dagger out of his hands. She spun kicking him directly into Angel's bed. Her pale blue eyes glared at Brandon. "Don't even think about it brother," Brandon stepped back putting his hands in his coat pockets. Jayden started to get up to attack her, before he could she gripped his shoulders forcing him to sit on the bed. "I said enough," She increased the pressure of her grip on trying to break his shoulders. He screamed out in pain until she finally released him. "Let's not forget who's in charge here." Selene turned her gaze toward Angel. "Angel, are you allowing a weak ass like Jayden to threaten you? It's in poor taste commander," True, any regular commander would have dealt with him. Angel couldn't argue there.

"I suppose that would be the commander thing to do," Angel acknowledged. "However Jayden's reason for being angry with me is justifiable. I can't punish him for that knowing that if the roles were reversed. I would have done the exact same as him." He let out a sigh. "Jayden, this isn't easy for me either." He placed his hand on his chest. "I know you care about Blaire. I get it. I tried not to sleep with her last night. She wouldn't listen to me. Her exact words were: I don't give a damn about you or what you want all that matters is me." Angel explained. "The point is," He shrugged. "I tried my options were have sex with her or die. I know you prefer the second but. I'm not ready to die just yet. Can't we just move past this and be friends?"

"Forget it," Jayden turned his head. "You may have the others thinking you are different from all of Blaire's other suitors but you aren't. Eventually she'll get bored of you and you'll be dead anyway. Just like all the others. So forgive me for trying to shorten the wait." Angel groaned, why can't he just let this go? It's not like Angel wanted to be with Blaire in the first place. It was forced on him. None of this was his choice.

"Why do I smell blood?" Selene questioned. "Vampire blood to be exact," She added. "Brandon, lift Angel's shirt for me." No, there was no need for-Brandon lifted up at Angel's shirt his pale blue eyes took notice of the scratch marks on Angel's back. Selene noticed them as well, Angel started to pull his shirt down but Brandon wouldn't let go of it. "It looks like she did a number on your back."

"Yeah man, those aren't scratches. Those are gashes." Brandon replied. "How hard did you fuck her man because this looks like some pretty hardcore fucking?" Was it really that bad? Angel removed his shirt running the tips of his finger along the scratches. He checked his fingers noticing that he was bleeding.

"I must have fucked her harder than I-," Angel felt the roughness of Jayden's fist collide with his jaw. Wait wasn't Selene holding him down so this wouldn't happen. He wiped his lip looking at Selene who had intentionally released Jayden just so he could hit him.

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