Emma Gray...Who?-Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

                I slowly closed the phone and put it down on the table, I must have dialed the wrong number. How is that possible? It was most definitely her voice. I groaned out loud realizing Ellie was pulling one of her usual tricks. I finished putting cream cheese on my bagel and walked back to my room looking from something decent to wear. Birds were chirping happily outside meaning that spring was taking over the reins. As much as I enjoyed seeing the trees covered in a white blanket I would much rather prefer seeing them in their usual coats of green. I threw open my closet and pulled on a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a white v-neck, I pulled on a light sweater- to the park? I thought to myself and made my way to the door, grabbing my keys in the process.

                 Once I closed the door I turned around the lock it and grimaced, the key wouldn't fit. I raised an eyebrow and tried once more but both keys just refused to enter the lock. I let a puff of frustration and made my way down the stairs and the to sidewalk. I pulled out my phone and decided to call my parents to warn them about the locks. After a few rings the line went dead and I let out another puff The crisp Saturday day had the sun high up in the sky hugging the world with its warm arms. I couldn't help but smile as I walked down the street trailed by an entourage of lovely songs. I closed my eyes and threw my head up to the sky soaking in the days warmth. After a few minutes I found myself swinging and admiring the careless children running about the park. I tucked my legs in and out forcing the swing to go faster and higher. The winds fingers intertwined in my hair and gently caressed my face, planting small and gentle kisses about my cheeks. I felt my heart rate increase as the people began to blur in with the play set, I stopped kicking with my legs and allowed gravity to rock me back and forth until I came to standstill.

"Can you push me pwease?" A voice jolted me out of my peace and I looked over to see a starry blue eyed little girl. Her blonde hair was in messy pigtails which mostly likely became that way after her adventures in the park. She smiled brightly at me revealing two missing teeth, making it difficult for her to articulate l.  

"Of course." I said smiling at her innocence and stood up from my seat. I slowly pushed the young girl only to hear a complain escape her lips.

"I'm a big girl! Push me wigher!"

"Are you sure, wont it be kind of scary?" I asked faking the fear in my voice.

"Nu uh!" She said quickly and started kicking her legs. "I want to go as high as you!"

"Alright. Houston, we are ready for take off!" I said.

"10..." I said trailing off.

"9!" The little girl squealed with excitement.



"1!" We said in unisons and I pushed the little girl with enough force to make her go high but not to high.

"We have lift off!" I cheered with excitement and the girl mirrored my actions laughing uncontrollably. After what felt like hours my arms began to feel sore and the sun was now directly over us, 12 o'clock.

"Honey, where's your mommy?" I asked stopping the swing to look at her. She swiveled around in the set and avoided my gaze.

"I don't care!" She said angrily and I sighed.

"What your name?" I asked.

"Juwie." Julie said proudly and smiled at me. "What's your name?" She asked.

"Emma." I said and she pouted.

"That's a pretty name." Julie said softly.

"Julie's a beautiful name as well." I said smiling at her widely and she looked up confused.

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