"Everyone for a hundred miles saw this thing come down. What if the Grounders get there first? Bell, we should go now."

Bellamy's face had set in stone, listening to his sister's words as if she was a stranger, not his responsibility, not the most important person in his life. Avery hadn't known him long, but she didn't recognise the boy in front of him as he dismissed Octavia, brushing past her to leave once and for all.

"I said we wait until sunrise."

Octavia and Avery stared at one another in disbelief and even further suspicion than what had first plagued them. It was obvious to the both of them that waiting was a bad idea, and that neither of them were planning on following it.

"Do we go look for it ourselves?"

"No." Avery said suddenly, her brain beginning to form a realisation. "Bellamy doesn't want anyone going after it because he wants to get there first."

Octavia nodded slowly, her fists clenching at her sides in frustration. What Avery had concluded wasn't a surprise, but disappointing nonetheless.

"I say we follow him."

Bellamy announced his decision to the rest of the camp to a number of protests. Once they were reassured that they could take a look in the morning, everyone calmed down and went back to theorising about what the pod may have contained. Some of the most popular theories included Ark Guards, guns, and Chancellor Jaha himself.

The last one was Avery's favourite. Mainly because she'd kill to see how all of the Delinquents would react to meeting the man who put them in jail and pretty much sent them to their deaths.

Avery and Octavia lingered around the edge of camp, near where they believed Bellamy would be leaving later on. Sure enough, as people became more and more distracted with one another and sharing their beliefs of what the pod could withhold, Bellamy had his opportunity to slip out of camp.

Tailing him through the forest was weird, Avery couldn't help but think. She didn't regret it - of course not, she needed to know what was going on with him - but being let in on his plans was definitely a strange thing for her to experience.

"I'm sick of this." Octavia said to the girl, between gritted teeth. "I'm confronting him."

"O, wait-"

She wanted to convince Octavia to wait a few more minutes, let him draw them further into his plans without realising it, before making it clear to him that they were there. Octavia was too hot headed for this, and so Avery was just forced to roll with it.

"Bellamy!" She yelled, painfully loud to ensure Bellamy heard it. "What are you doing?"

The boy stopped dead in his tracks, clearly feeling caught in the act by the way his shoulders tensed up and his chest rose and fell in a deep breath. He spun around, his eyes flickering over Octavia and falling onto Avery with heightened confusion.

"Both of you, go back to camp, it isn't safe."

Obviously this wasn't going to happen.

"You lied to everyone! You lied to me." Octavia pressed, her words rubbing salt in the wound that was really more her own rather than Bellamy's. "You just want whatever's in that Pod-"

Bellamy's hands found his sister's shoulders, shoving her back roughly. "Just go home!" He roared at her and Avery lunged forwards, pushing him back: a warning.

"Watch it!"

"You always wanna play the big brother, huh?" Octavia jumped right back in, not giving Bellamy a chance to breathe. "Well guess what? Jokes on me, you're just a selfish dick."

𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗧𝗜𝗚𝗢, monty greenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum