Chapter 2

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Loretta's POV
"Good morning Blake" 
"Good morning Loretta" 

Thank God for Blake.
I don't think I would have made it out alive without Blake lastnight.
Blake has always been on my payroll, he has always defended me and protected me more than Phillip did. I never blamed Phillip for not defending me, he was only trying to provide for his family but it never stopped him from forcing Blake to jump in the way of all the abuse. I wish they would break into the room every time we were having sex. I wish they were mind readers and could understand that my moan is fake, I do not consent to sex with Thomas. 
As much as I would love to just turn to the police I can't even do that because the Police are on his fathers payroll and Mr. Oval will do what ever to make all charges and allegations against his son vanish into thin air. So hiring my own bodyguards was the best way for me to remain alive.

"Are you ready to meet the new guy Loretta" Blake asked in excitement.
"I don't know to be honest, I still am trying to figure out what Phillip meant when he whispered in my ear lastnight" 
"Everything will be okay" Blake confirmed the same thing that Phillip whispered in my ears.
"If you don't mind Loretta if I can use the shower after you?" Blake begged 
"Of course, you can go first and If you dont mind, could you get the new guy to stand at the door while you get dressed in the same bedroom?" 
"Yes Captain" Blake Teased.

I would be lying if I said, I don't want to have a life with some of these body guards.
I would be a bigger liar if I said that I haven't had dirty thoughts about some of them. Blake in particle has been one that I have wanted to blow my back out but he has played so hard to get that I haven given up on my own fantasy. Funny when I sit alone and think about the adultery that my mind makes me capable of.

"All yours Ma'am" Blake smiles.
His baby face features and a body as large and young like Channing Tatum, his six packs that calls me every time I see them, the feeling of dying of dehydration that my throat can barely bare with every time I see is half naked body.

"Thank you" I giggle.
"I will be in the other room. The new guy should be here by now and I will send him to stand outside your door" Blake repeated my exact orders.
"Thank you Blake, I really do appreciate you" I smile as I grab a hold of his arm and watched as he trembled over my touch.

Quickly moving away from my embrace without making things feel so awkward
"You are going to be late for work Loretta" Blake Exhales heavily as I drop my silk robe from my shoulders and hitting the ground as I walk away from him and looking over my right shoulder to see if he would enjoy my curves from behind.
"I will be out in a few minutes" I giggle as I close the bathroom door behind me.

I have always flirted with Blake since he started here but he has never let me have my way, even after finding out that I practically force myself to have sex with Thomas, if I don't have sex with him he starts to threaten the people that I love. 
Or maybe he has a girlfriend that no one knows about and thats probably the reason why he keeps ignoring me.

I miss Phillip more than anything he never failed me even when I wanted him to he never did. I fell for Phillip when he returned me from Sydney, we went as far as kissing and nearly having sex in his car but he kept telling me no because he was truly loyal to his boss.
After I told Phillip what his boss was up to he became more interested in wanting me, he threatened to kill Thomas for me and we would run away into the sunset and live happily ever after.
When we entered Melbourne he pulled the car over and read a message to me from Thomas saying 'If you do not return her to me within 4 hours, I will put a bullet between your mothers eyes Kapeesh?'
Phillip planned everything he was going to do to Thomas, he even told me to take my clothes off so he could rail my lady walls to help him think about how he should kill and get away with murder. As tempting as it was, I lost my appetite for dick as his rage kept growing.

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