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3rd person POV:
The Avengers all sat in the living room watching tv while Loki read a book in a single person couch while the rest shared seats. He had brought daisy to her room after she had fallen asleep on the couch after their talk, so when Thor came barging up the stairs to see him he quickly left with him, not wanting to awaken the sleeping beauty.

The team had started to like and trust Loki more. Once they saw that his feeling for Daisy her genuine, and he was not using her they relaxed at the thought of them together. Loki on the other hand was offended that they thought he could ever hurt his princess. Instead of watching whatever was on the flat screen, he decided to bring a book with him to read, which was one of the few things in life that brought him comfort.

After a hour had passed, the room grew silent. At first the god was happy the bickering and unneeded chatter was done but then grew curious of the reason behind it. Looking past the pages of the book he saw his Angel standing there with her Loki bear held tight against her chest, and tears in her eyes.
Steve was already standing and on his way over to her before Loki could react. The sudden movement brought Daisy out of the trance she was in and she started looking around the room for something, or more like someone. Once she found Loki in his single chair she went as fast as her short legs could take her to him and flung herself in his lap. If it weren't for his fast reflexes he wouldn't have been able to catch her in time.

"What is wrong love" Loki asked quietly while stroking her hair and holding her close, trying to calm her down.
"I t thought they w were here to g get me" everyone was too concerned about what she said to realize she talked in front of them. 
"Thought who was here, I can not help you if I do not know darling" he said trying to control his anger, not at his girl but at whoever harmed her so much she can not even escape them in her dreams.
'The man f from Hydra. H he said he w would always f find me so I would n never try to e escape" finally her tears started to slow, even though she was clutching to Loki as tight as she could. He was getting defensive and protective over his angel and was ready to attack anyone who got too close.

"Loki, I know you would not do anything to harm Daisy, but we need to know who she is talking about. Do you have any idea who it is?" Tony questioned slowly, not wanting to upset the already on edge god. They all watched as Loki moved Daisy so she had her legs wrapped around his waist and head in the crook of his neck, being careful to not hurt her in anyway while also wanting to keep her as close as he could.

"No I don't, but I suggest you figure it out before I kill every single person until I am certain that this man is dead" he said lowly, slightly startling Daisy at the dark thing he just uttered. Loki started walking towards the elevator and brought them to their floor. Without giving the option he brought her to his room where he knew she would be safe.

"Darling is it alright if you stay in my room tonight. Nothing will happen I just want to make sure you are safe." Loki said while placing her on his bed.

"That's ok lolo. I'm sorry for crying and getting tears all over your shirt" Daisy looked down and played with her hands, not wanting to make eye contact suddenly feeling like she over reacted to the whole situation.

"It's more than alright. Get comfortable. I will be over there if you need me." He said pointing to the chair a little bit away from the bed. Loki had put a spell over the door so no matter who it was they could not get out unless it was him or Daisy. Although he knew they were safe there he did not trust anyone besides himself to keep her safe. After a few minutes of Loki just reading a book Daisy spoke up.

"Lolo, c could you s sit over here p please? I am s scared I will have a n nightmare again"

"Of course kitten. I will chase all your nightmares away." While brushing away a piece of her hair he made it so she would have no dreams so nothing could bother her. He wanted to ask to read her mind so see what was truly bothering her but he knew it was too soon, still too painful.

Soon, Daisy was falling into a dreamless sleep holding onto Lokis hand.

Finally SavedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora