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Daisy's POV:
I knew that I had to go to dinner today since I missed almost a week. I know Thor came in and saw me with Loki so at least they know I am okay. After a bit of convincing to myself that dinner would be okay, I threw on some over sized clothing not wanting to see my body. I looked in my mirror and was horrified with the person I saw. I was just skin and bones, my hair was thin and no longer as soft or pretty as it used to be. What was I thinking? Why would someone like Loki,  a prince, want someone like me. I can not even speak to the people I am living with and I thought a prince had feelings for me. I let a lone tear slip down my face as I grabbed a small stuffed bear to hold onto for comfort. I slowly opened my door and peeked around the corner. Once I saw no one I ventured into the elevator, seeing Loki's room was empty too.
When the doors opened again the smell of spaghetti hit me along with the noise of everyone talking. I tiptoed into the room staying by the door frame and saw everyone talking loudly and laughing while Loki was rubbing his temples. It was almost as if he knew I were in the room because right when my eyes landed on him he looked me way as well. Once I made eye contact his features softened and he motioned for me to sit in the empty seat next to him. He was sitting on the end so that meant I would only have to sit next to him which made me feel better.
I clutched my bear to my chest and made timid movements to the seat. When I got there I realized how far away it was from Loki's. Although normally I would prefer the space, I felt like I needed to be close to Loki to be safe. So I scooted the chair closer to him until it was right up against his. I  then climbed onto the chair and places my bear in my lap. When I was finally satisfied with everything I looked up to see Loki looking at me in amusement, the chuckling lightly and kissed my forehead before he says "hello to you too love. I know you wont talk in front of everyone but if you need anything let me know. Promise?" He whispered just enough for me to hear. I was still flustered from the kiss so I was just able to lightly smile then nod.
Just then Tony walked in and noticed my presence again. "Daisy! You finally made it out from your room. Before I forget we have to run some tests in the lab on you okay?" He says while starting to shove his face with pasta. Tests? Once he said that I started it zone out and panic. Are they going to use me as well, just like Hydra did?
I am pulled out of my worried thoughts when I feel a hand on my face. I instantly turn to the source and it is Loki, staring at me with worried eyes. I can see is he trying to say something but I can not hear anything. In a instant I am curled into his lap, seeking any kind of comfort and safety he can provide. It is not until I feel his strong and familiar arms that the ringing in my ears stop and my breathing calms a little.
"Loki... let go of the girl now." Nat says slowly. I notice all the noise and talking from earlier has stopped. I peek out from Loki's hold and see everyone staring at us as if something was wrong while Thor has a stupid smile on his face. "I will do no such thing." Loki snarled back and it was just then that her words sunk in.
"I knew putting them on the same floor was a mistake. I will move Loki to a cell and then we can help Daisy as we need to." Tony states while still intently staring at us.  Without thinking I shout "NO!" Everyone looked shocked and even Loki was startled when I looked back at him. "Please don't leave me." Was all I was able to get out to him before I let the darkness take over.

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