New Friend

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Daisy's POV:
After Loki's first day, I could not believe I spoke to him.  It was the first thing I said to someone in as long as I could remember, and after I just met him too. Something about him made me feel safe though. Whenever we are in the same room I feel myself inching closer to him and just wanting to be near him to feel safe. The past few days I have not been leaving my floor much; my anxiety is worse lately and I have been having nightmares. Although I want to see Loki I don't know how to be around people normally and I don't want him to leave because of me. Every night he brings food and puts it outside my door for me with a little note. I wish I knew what they say but I am just too scared to ask.
Around 4 I decide to venture out of my room to the little living room Loki and I share hoping he is there. I finally worked up the courage to try to say to him I need help reading so I hope I don't back out. After I make a few steps into the room he notices me and a soft smile comes on his face.
"Hello love, I was thinking you were never coming out of your room" I felt a small blush creep onto my cheeks at the name he called me while I try to think of how to tell him what I need to. I have the cards behind my back so hopefully if I just hand them to him he will understand? "What is going on in that pretty mind?" He questions while glancing behind my back.  I pass him the cards and look away, embarrassed that I can not do something as simple as read. I see him stiffen and his mode changes to guarded from how relaxed it was a second before. "I see. I am sorry those were unwanted. I believed we could be 'friends" but I guess not. My apologies." He says while going to stand up. I just realized it looks like I don't want them which is the opposite of how I feel, I frantically grab his arm to get his attention while shaking my head no. Once he sits back down and looks more confused and guarded than before I take a deep breath, knowing my only way out of this is speaking. " I d-do not k k know how to r read. P please." Is all I manage to get out hoping he heard what I said with how quiet my voice was from not talking and that he understands what I was trying to say.
Slowly, his features soften and he lets out a soft chuckle while looking down at the cards and back up at me. "You want me to read them to you" he asks kindly. I quickly nod my head with a smile on my face, happy he was able to understand me and did not make fun of me after he knew I could not read. "Of course kitten, you can sit next to me if you are comfortable with that" I slowly sat next to him on the couch. As he was reading the letters I slowly drifted closer to him until I was curled up on his side listening to his voice. For the first time since I could remember, I fell into a dreamless sleep feeling safe.

Loki's POV:
When she first handed me the notes back I was crushed. I had thought the feelings were reciprocated but I guess not. Why would someone like her want me. she is perfect.
When I saw her frantic movements I sat back down trying to figure out what she had to say. Slowly realizing that she was trying to encourage herself to speak I patiently sat and waited, I would wait as long as she needed as long as I heard her voice again. My heart broke when she said she could not read. Watching her slowly scoot closer to me while I read was the cutest thing ever. Eventually she fell asleep in my lap and my arms wrapped around her and a faint smile on her face. I went back to the book I was reading while promising myself I would always protect her.
After about an hour I heard footsteps coming from down the hall. I was about to get ready to defend us when my brother announced his presence, making me roll my eyes. "Hello brother! I was wondering if you would be joining us for dinne- oh! What do we have here?" He says once he sees the curled up Daisy on my lap. "Be quiet will you! She just fell asleep and you are not going to wake her up." I hiss back at him making sure she isn't waking up to the noise. "My apologies brother. Dinner will be ready in a hour." With that he left back down the hallway leaving us along again.
When Daisy started to wake up I saw her get scared "hey kitten, it's time to wake up okay?" I whisper while stroking her hair.  I hear her breathing slow back down while she rubs her eyes awake and then looks at me. "Can I ask you a question?" I say slowly as if I am trying to not startle her. She nods her head looking me in the eyes making me lose my train of thought for a moment. "Tony and Thor both said you do not speak or go near any of them, yet the few times I have seen you, you have spoken to me and you just now fell asleep on me." I watch as she plays with the front of my shirt and blushes, thinking of how to reply.
"You make me feel safe." Is all she says and then looks back down continuing to play with my shirt while I sit here in shock. My heart then swells with pride and I realize what she said. I make her feel safe. I make this perfect girl feel more safe than all the avengers did. "As you should love. I would never let any harm come to you." I say while standing and setting her on the ground. "I know" she whispers just enough for me to hear and then looks up to me and smiles. "Dinner is soon. Will you be coming?" I question seeing as neither of us were going to say anything else. She nods her head and gives me one last smile before slipping into her room.
Maybe earth would not be that bad.

Finally SavedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora