Part 23

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"You know... my uncle used to tell me to always carry money for this reason specifically." Four gently pressed the pad of his fingers against the dark bruises on his jaw. "Those muggers got me good."

"They certainly did," said Sky. "Your eye is already puffing up quite fierce. Did they do that to you after they found your empty wallet?"

"No," Four said. "The punch to the face was to stun me. Once they realize I spent everything on vegetables, they decided to kick me in the ribs out of frustration."

He lifted his shirt to show the damage. His torso was a canvas of black and blue splotches.

"Yikes," said Sky. "Luckily for you we have plenty of potion. Here."

He passed over a bottle filled with red liquid. Four took it with a small "Thanks," and began to drink. Immediately the deep scratch on his jaw healed. The swelling around his eye drained. As he took his final gulps of the bottle, the bruises on his ribs disappeared, leaving perfect unmarked skin. Four finished and dropped his arm, sighing in heavy relief. "Ah... I feel so much better..."

Sky took back the bottle. "You're still covered in blood. You should go wash up."

"Good idea."

Four gathered a wash clothe and soap from his tent and wandered down to the nearby riverbank. He looked behind him. None of the gang followed. Once he got to the river, he kneeled down to the water's edge.

He quietly placed his items aside. Four swallowed and leaned over to look at himself in the reflection of the water.

Oh, he thought. They really did get me good. There was more blood on his face than he realized. It covered nearly his entire right side, streaks of blood cascading like a fountain down his cheek and onto his neck, staining the collar of his shirt. He had dirt smeared across his other cheek when the thieves pressed his face to the ground, their boot against his back holding him there. Even without the bruises, Four looked like hell.

Four gave his reflection a withering smile.

He suddenly choked, and he slapped a hand over his mouth to prevent the sob from erupting out of him. A few tears fell upon his reflection, shattering his image.

"I'm fine," he said to himself, sniffling. More tears fell. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Nothing happened."

He was healed. Nothing of value was stolen, just the vegetables needed for tonight's dinner. The only thing that hurt was his pride.

It happened so fast, Four thought. He was on a public road. He had passed several people, including merchants and families. He'd even stopped to pet a few dogs and chat with their owners. It was safe.

He had passed three men on the road. All of them were chatting among themselves, giving Four only a fleeting glance as they passed. The next thing Four knew, someone kicked him in the back of the knee, knocking him down. He thought he tripped, and when he tried to get back up, he was punched in the face, nearly knocking him out.

From there the men threatened him, riffled through his pockets, his bag, tossing away anything he didn't find worthwhile... including his sword. They thought the small size made it useless for a grown man. When they found nothing to steal, they took out their frustration on Four. He had to curl into a small ball to protect himself as their boots slammed down upon him. After what felt like an eternity, they backed off. With one last final humiliation, one man spat on him, and then they left, picking up their conversation like normal.

"Nothing happened," Four said again. Why couldn't he get this through his head? He wasn't killed. He wasn't raped. And they didn't steal his sword. So why-?

He heard rustling coming from behind. He gasped softly and quickly splashed water on his face, washing away the blood and tears.

"I brought fresh clothes," said Sky as he walked over. "Why don't you give me the ones you have on? I'll wash them for you."

Four took a sip of water before speaking. "That's very kind of you," he said, still unable to keep the croak out of his voice.

"Are you okay?" Sky asked. He came close, and when he kneeled down next to Four, Four turned his head away. "Did the potion not work?"

"I'm fine," Four said. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine-"

"Hey..." Sky put aside the clothes and pressed his palm against Four's back. Four flinched, and Sky immediately withdrew his hand. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know that," Four said. "I don't know why I'm acting like this."

"You're still on high alert. It'll take some time for your body to realize it's safe."

Four knew that. Of course he knew that. He's used the same words on folks he's saved in the past. Four rubbed his hands on his thighs again and again and again, only stopping when his palms got hot. "Actually, can I be alone for now? This is embarrassing enough as is."

"I understand," Sky said. He got up. "Your clothes are right there. If you need anything, just holler."


Sky held back second longer, probably expecting for Four to change his mind, then turned and walked towards camp. Four waited till the sound of his footsteps were gone. When he heard nothing else, Four sniffled and looked back at his reflection in the water.

"We're fine," he said. The four faces that looked back at him clearly didn't agree.

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