
716 20 2

warning: unconsensual touching, mild body horror


"Hold him...! Hold him!"

"He's struggling!"

The words echoed in Hyrule's ears, but he wasn't listening to any of them. All he could feel were the hands on his arms and legs, on his chest, fingers and nails scraping in a miserable attempt to hold him down. There was fire beneath his skin, burning him from inside out. He had to get away otherwise he was going to be turned into ash. He kicked and bellowed, desperate to get loose. He opened his mouth to tell whoever it was holding him to let go, but all that came out was a long guttural scream.

"Kid!" Someone else was yelling too. "You've got to stop moving! Moving makes it worse!"

Thick tears ran down his face. He could taste blood in his mouth, feel it on his lips. As another wave of searing pain washed over him, Hyrule arched his back in a desperate plea to get away. His bones creaked, his back moving up at an impossible angle, threatening to snap.

"Get him flat! Get him flat!"

Someone placed a hand on his chest and shoved down, his back cracking against the ground floor. A startled scream erupted out of him.

"Make it stop!" He begged and cried and wailed. "Make it stop!"

He felt two hands on his head, holding him still, when suddenly gloved fingers started pushing against his lips. He was conscious enough to perceive this as an enemy and he tried to bite at them. The fingers took the opportunity to force themselves between his teeth, shoving to the far back, preventing Hyrule from closing his mouth. Hyrule gagged, unable to voice words now.

"You need to swallow this," a voice said to him. "It's going to taste like hell, but you need to swallow."

His head was suddenly lifted at an angle and liquid as thick as syrup spilled heavily into his mouth. The liquid was simultaneously too hot, too cold, and tasted like something Sky cooked. Hyrule immediately choked, doing his best to spit it back out. Hands rubbed furiously at his throat, forcing him to swallow.

He cried at the humiliation of being treated like a dog while his Adam's apple bopped in response. After three or four audible gulps, the fingers removed themselves.

Hyrule's chest rose and fell heavily as a cool sensation spread across his body, putting out the flames. Slowly he calmed, his muscles relaxing. One by one the hands holding him down tentatively let go.

"Is it over?" Someone asked. Their voice sounded far away like an echo in a canyon.

"Yeah," said another in response. "It's over now. He'll be fine."

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