Prompt 17: Tommyinnit and the SBI

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Blonde raccoon picture is from Reddit, can't remember the user though.

So, I made a Slime Rancher AU. If you don't know what that is, it's a really fun game where you're a rancher who takes care of cute little slimes on an alien planet called The Far, Far Range. Literally every living thing is adorable, aside from Tarr slimes, which are really the only enemy in the game besides falling in the ocean. It's a really chill game and I definitely recommend it!

On the Far, Far Range, Phil runs a family-owned and operated slime ranch with his sons, Wilbur and Techno. One day, he decides to send Wilbur out to gather some more of a certain slime in the Moss Blanket (like, some puddle slimes or honey slimes), but looses his way and gets lost deep in the jungle. He sets up camp for the night, and as he's roasting a henhen over his fire, he notices two yellow eyes peering up at him from the darkness. He gets excited, because it had to be a hunter slime, and those were a rarity in the Moss Blanket. He uses a let of henhen to lure it over, but when it becomes visible, he's shocked to discover that the hunter slime is blonde! (blonde raccoons exist and I will never stop reminding people of it at any chance I get.) Wilbur feeds the little guy and bonds with him over the night, choosing to stay up so that the slime won't run away.

In the morning, he scoops the sleeping hunter slime into his arms and manages to find his way out of the Moss Blanket. By the time he gets home, he's already incredibly attached to the little goo ball. As soon as he gets home, Phil is on his ass, ranting about how worried he was, that he was eaten by a Tarr or had gotten exploded by a boom slime because he was being a dumbass, until he sees the little bundle in Wil's arms. He's like, "Where the fuck did you find that????" and Wil tells him abut how he got lost.

The three of them quickly set up a fully upgraded corral for the hunter slime (with the music box, because yes) before he wakes up, and prepare some roostros for him to eat. When he does wake up, you better believe that he's pissed, all growling and hissing. Except at Wil, who scratched him behind the ears. They are now attached at the hip and Wil jokingly calls them brothers. He decides to name him Tommy. (He makes him a collar later, though it's much, much later until he's able to put it on him without loosing his hand.)

The fic is basically about the journey of bonding that the SBI and Blonde Hunter Slime!Tommy go through, from Wilbur finding him, 'til he's able to free roam without them worrying that he'll run away. Tommy's still an agent of chaos after he's tamed, though. He always gets into the henhen coops and steals shit from Techno in particular. He gets away with it because he's cute though.

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