Fear and Realisation

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Wally awoke with a start in the Watchtower medical bay with a bit of a jolt. He couldn't remember what happened, but he had a fear filled feeling in the pit of his stomach. "What the hell happened to me?" he thought, puzzled, glancing around the mainly white room. As he began to sit up he felt an insane twinge of pain hit him, coming from his lower abdomen. "Ah-ah-owwwww!" Wally fell back on to his bed and shut his eyes tightly as the stabbing pain faded.

"How are you feeling?" a gruff voice sounded from the doorway.

"I've been better" Wally said with a laugh, not even having to open his eyes to know it was Batman he was talking too. "But what happened to me?" "It must have been bad and I don't remember any of it... did I piss Artemis off again?" he attempted to joke, then opened his eyes and sighed

"You don't remember what happened?" Wally's only reply was a slight nod of his head and a quiet "Yeah" as he suddenly realised how serious his situation could be. He was in that Watch tower after all. "Wait here, I need to ask J'onn something." Batman turned and left abruptly, leaving a very confused Wally even more confused than before.

"I feel like I'm gunna die of anticipation now, great." Wally grumbled and began drumming his fingers on the side of his bed.


Robin and Barry zeta-beamed back to the Watchtower. Dragging Rudolph behind them, after deciding that being carried was too much of a privilege for what the horrid man had done. They found Wonder Woman and explained to her what happened and asked her to treat him then lock him up for questioning. She agreed soon after then flew away carrying the blooded man.

The two heroes found Batman and Martian Man Hunter conversing on their way back to Wally's place in the medical bay. "How's the kid?" Barry asked thankful to finally be closer to his nephew once more.

J'onn turned to him with a concerned face, "Wallace does not remember anything about what happened. I fear that when I pulled him out of his nightmare something went wrong." The Martian looked very disappointed in himself.

Robin spoke up "Can we see him? We can talk to him, maybe he'll remember?"

Barry nodded in agreement. Batman and Martian Man Hunter exchanged questioning glances before telling the two people closest to Wally's heart that they could see the wounded speedster. "Okay, but don't mention anything to him straight away, let him know slowly. Memories returning too fast can do neurological damage."

They ran to the medical bay (The Flash didn't want to leave Robin behind as he knew they were both as worried as each other) and entered. They looked at the speedster who was gazing out the window.

The sound of the door shutting made Wally look around at Barry and Robin. A few memories flooded back to him at the sight of their faces. His eyes widened and he began to vibrate in fear. "L-look just stay away! Please! What did I do to you!" Wally shouted, his voice cracking slightly.

"Kiddo calm down," Barry stepped forward towards his hysterical nephew, only making his nephew shout out more incoherent cries for help.

"Wh-whats wrong with him?" Robin stuttered "What does he think we did?"

Barry closed in further towards his nephew, "Hey, kiddo calm down!" he said softly, trying to soothe the terrified speedster.

"No way! You're just going to beat me again! You hate me!" Wally cried, bringing his arms up to his head, protecting his face.

Barry froze in terror "I would never-"

"But you did!" Wally cut in; he had tears rolling down his pale freckled cheeks as he did so.

Barry was lost for words, what had happened inside his nephews mind?


Just after Wally had started screaming Robin had ran out the room to find Martian Man Hunter. Robin wished he had The Flashes super speed right now; he ran through corridor after corridor in search of the Martian. Eventually he found J'onn, eating Oreos in the cafeteria. Robin mentally face-palmed for not thinking to go their first and then dashed up to the green man.

"Robin? Does he remember?"

"He remembers something, I don't know what but he's terrified of me and Flash! What the hell is going on! It's like he inhaled the Scarecrows fear gas!"

J'onn looked concerned then he and Robin took off as fast as they could to the medical bay. They could still hear Wally shouting on the other side of the door and Barry's failing attempts to calm the speedster. The two burst through the double doors and ran up to the slightly freaking out Barry then pulled him away from freaking out Wally.

"Wait out-side," J'onn commanded to Robin and Barry while gesturing for them to leave the room and wait until further notice "it is clear seeing you both is causing Wallace distress. I'll see what I can do."

They hesitantly left and sat out side with a sigh, refusing to acknowledge the tears that threatened to leave their eyes. Robin and Barry's thoughts were the same "I would never hurt him. How could he ever think that I would?"


J'onn pulled a chair up and sat next to the trembling speedster. "Why did you react that way?" he questioned.

"Why wouldn't I? I thought they were my friends! But they beat me up... that's why I'm here right?" Wally sniffed as he whipped away some of his tears.

"No... Wallace, all you remember is a nightmare. None of that really happened." J'onn said slowly.

"No! But that's the only reason I can think of..." he trailed off, then locked eyes with the Martian with an expression of pure confusion "Then why am I here?"

"Allow me to answer that." A gruff voice stated from beside them. Both J'onn and Wally's head snapped round to look at The Dark Knight who stood on the other side of the bed

"When did you get there?"

"Doesn't matter."

Wally rolled his eyes, then Batman continued "J'onn if you could excuse us please, I'll explain the situation to Kid Flash." The Martian nodded and quietly exited, knowing that Batman would be able to tell Wally of his situation, because even Batman understood human emotion better than him. Batman took J'onn's seat and sat resting his chin on his knuckle, looking (not bat-glaring) at Wally, but even that look was unsettling to the speedster.

"Quit looking at me like that..." Wally started then Batman raised a questioning eyebrow behind his cowl and Wally dropped the subject. "Look, whatever. Please just tell me what's going on." The red head wined throwing his hands in the air in exaggeration then ran them through his red hair, nursing his growing headache.

"Before you say anything, listen to me."

Wally sighed and lent back shutting his eyes, preparing to hear the dark knights words "Yeah, yeah... just tell it to me straight okay? I can take whatever it is."

"Your father stabbed you with a broken bottle which caused you're insides to haemorrhage. Then, while Wonder Woman and myself were treating you, you had a vivid nightmare in which you get beaten up to near death buy the two people closest to you, The Flash and Robin. You believe what happened in the nightmare to be true; this could be a result of or J'onn pulling you out of the nightmare so quickly. Either way, we need you to remember the truth."

Wally's eyes opened after Batman uttered the words "Your father stabbed you with a bottle" After Batman's explanation it was all so very clear what had happened and Wall remembered all. He also knew that they now knew that his father did this to him, as if things couldn't get any worse, they were going to confront him about the child abuse he'd been receiving. Which speedster would involve everyone being mad at him for not telling and seemingly endless questions.

Wally covered his eyes with his arm and grumbled "Well this is going to be as fun as a fight with Grodd..."


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