3. Old & New faces

Start from the beginning

Keine:"Interesting... Though I must inquire on why you decided to fight her instead of running away? Most would have ran away after seeing youkai, even some of the guards sadly."

Y/N:"I'm not sure. My body just acted on its own and I ended up getting the youkai's full attention though I didn't mean to fight it."

Keine:"That's certainly a rather unique situation to find yourself in. I'm not gonna keep you're friends waiting any longer though I still have 1 question left. Do you know how to use magic."

Y/N:"Magic? Nope, never did."

Keine:"Strange, Rumia mentioned that you fought her in a danmaku battle. I suppose that you might have no idea on that as well"

Y/N:"Not really, no."

Keine:" Very well then those were all the questions I had so you free to leave but before you do, You're always welcome in the village as long as you stay out of trouble and let the guards handle youkai attacks though I must apologize for them abandoning their duties and running away during the attack."


I got up off the chair and headed towards the door, somewhat relieved that all this is finally over but I was mainly looking forward to my reunion with Reimu and Marisa.

Keine:"Hold on, before you go I have a piece of important advice. Don't try to play the hero, it will only lead you to your grave early."

her voice sounded threatening and serious but she does have a point so taking her advice will definitely be best to follow after what I experienced.

Upon leaving the room the first thing I was greeted with was Marisa and Reimu waiting for me in the hallway.

Marisa:"Ya done chatting with Keine?"


Reimu:"Then let's get going, I know a good place for us to talk in without getting disturbed."

I nodded as the 3 of us continued walking and talking, catching up on everything.

Y/N:"So just what exactly is a youkai."

Marisa:"Oh it's simple, youkai are creatures different from humans like monsters, fairies, oni, gods in some cases and the list goes on and on, nothing special."

Y/N:"Sounds like you know a lot about youkai... wait did you say gods?"

Marisa"Well yeah me and Reimu exterminated a couple, surprised?"


Reimu:"It's nothing worth looking into, most gods are self absorbed and pray on people's misfortune and guide them to become a believer of theirs and are drained of faith as a result."

Y/N:"So basically a con artist?"

Reimu:"Kind of."

right after that we arrived at the bottom of a long set of stairs and after climbing them we reached a shrine of sorts."We're here." Reimu stated as we continued to approach the shrine until we were standing that the stairs to the shrine.

"So Y/N... where were you all these years?" Reimu asked as the 3 of us sat down on the stairs of the shrine.

"I'm not sure how to explain it so let me think, I lived in a city a good distance away from Gensokyo with my family but they never talked about it until now..."

--- Flash back ---

"wait what!" I asked in shock from what I just heard.

"I said that this was a perfect opportunity for you to start living alone." My mom repeated to which I wasn't sure how to feel about it.

Candle Flame (Touhou X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now