Run, Run, Run Away Baby

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It's official, I'm obsessed with Vinny. For most people, it's normal to have some minor obsessions about who they're into. But, I'm so unused to this. I've been texting Vinny for a week so far and he consumes my thoughts. 

I'm plagued with daydreams about us and our potential future. Maybe we'll meet soon, or we will meet up in a couple years. What if we get separated and then have a dramatic reunion? What if I become famous, he recognizes me on TV and then he romantically shows up at my house and professes his love for me and then we become a power couple..! Ok maybe not... but a girl can dream. 

I check my phone and see a message from Vinny: 

Vinny: Hey my girl, how are you?

Georgia: I'm alright, just finishing up some school. Wyd?

Vinny: ugh I'm trying to deal with my mom. She is sooo psycho and sooo religous. My friends told her ab how I cheated on my gf and she ended up telling my gf?!?? she needs to stay out of my life. I'm thinking about trying to run away again.

I put my phone down and try to process what he just said. First of all psycho mom...yikes but that's relatable. Also he cheated on his girlfriend..? I wonder how many times... ugh this sows doubt into my head. If he can lie to his girlfriend, a girl he knew in real life and loved... could he lie to me?Could he be catfishing me? Is he actually a 50 year old incel waiting to murder me? I quickly brush the thought out of my head.

And now he wants to run away? This is getting too crazy. I already knew he was reckless, earlier this week he told me about his previous attempts to run away, the things he's stolen, and the accidents he's been in. But after running away the first time his mom got really concerned and the police were involved. Couldn't he learn his lesson that running away doesn't work.

I think about how to respond.. he probably doesn't want my judgement. Instead, I offer my support. 

Georgia: I'm so sorry about your mom. at least you can leave when ur 18. running away is intense but if it's what u gotta do i hope u succeed. always here for u <3

Vinny: Thank u Georgia that means a lot. Hey, could u wanna ft tmr?

I look at my phone and scream. OMG... a call. This could be good..? or bad. Not sure yet. I know I'm cute, but what if I'm not his type? Or what if I say something wrong and he ghosts me forever? I take a deep breath and reply to his text, "yes :)". I take a walk to calm myself down and go to bed. 

Tomorrow will be interesting....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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