The Gay Who Stabbed Me

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Other Women fall for guys. I fall for a gay.


Other Recommended Stories ni Author (Must Read!) :

1. The Gay Who Stole My Boyfriend (What you read in the title, is what you get)

2. Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear? (Comedy Gold)

3. ...And They Kill Each Other (Love this!)

4. Run While You Still Can


Hello Readers, if you like both Romance and Comedy then I truly recommend that you read ALL of the stories mentioned because they're truly a gem.

Author: BlackLily

(Just click the name of the Author and her profile will automatically appear)

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Adult

Don't forget to vote if you read some of the stories I've mentioned. Enjoy!

Best Romance Stories (Rekomendasyon)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ