Chapter Sixteen, New Arrivals

Start from the beginning

"But it's too early!" was Fred's turn to fret now, another scream wrenched the peaceful grounds of the Aubert-Weasley estate, followed by more rumbles vibrating from the back of the four men's throats as an extremely worried Dobby appeared in the bedroom.
"What's happening? What's happening to my Mistress?" Dobby asked tearfully, his tennis-ball green eyes almost glowing with his unshed tears.
"She's in labour Dobby." Blaise whispered, a startled revelation passing across each person's face. Muttering those three words to someone other than themselves seemed to bring the fact home harder than they thought it would.
"Healer said Mistress could have sweet babies early, but should Dobby fetch the Healer?" Dobby asked, reminding them all of that particular conversation and bringing them all back from the brink of a panic attack brought on by worry.

Shaking off their worry, André and Fred - the Alpha and Beta (or first and second in command) of their mate-ship, took charge. They couldn't all fall to pieces in worry they needed to support each other. André was there to support all of them, Fred was there to support them all as well but his particular role of going off of his instinct was to support Mia first and foremost (and André when he really needed it), and Mia while also supporting them all her instincts pointed her more towards their babies. A submissive would even kill their mates if they posed a threat to her children. And for Blaise and Damon their roles were not only to support them all but mainly Mia.
"Okay, none of us are going to sleep now so why don't we go downstairs have a coffee and let the family know." Fred suggested, climbing from the bed and pulling on his dressing gown as he slipped his feet into his warm slippers.

"Agreed." Blaise and Damon muttered, high alert to defend Mia and the nest if it came down to it. But Blaise, as the Warrior of the mate-ship, was more determined to protect their home from anyone and didn't really like the idea of others being here but pushed that feeling back as he couldn't afford to let his Dragel take control as that's when mistakes can happen.
"Dobby, could you alert Healer Talbot for us please and then you can join us in the small living room for some tea. I'll have it prepared for your return." André asked, but a tiny note of authority could be heard within his voice.
"Of course Master André." Dobby agreed, happy to have something to do. He didn't like not having anything to do while his friend and Mistress were in pain. All he wanted to do was help her.

"I'll stay here while you all alert the family." Blaise insisted, his instincts demanding he protect their home and vulnerable mate and children. "I'll send a Patronus to those you don't travel to." He added, knowing the others didn't really want to leave either but their family would skin them alive otherwise.
"Okay, I'll let Remus, George and Mum know." Fred contributed, Hedwig chirping angrily from her perch, the four had made it to the kitchen where Mia's laboured screams echoed loudly, cutting each man down to the bone, as they waited for the kettle to boil.

"And I'll send Hedwig with letters for Bill, Fleur and Charlie, and Neville and Luna." He added, which seemed to satisfy Mia's demanding familiar.
"Damon and I will go and alert the rest of our family." André announced, Damon nodded his agreement. Releasing one last soothing rumble the three Shadowed to their respective places while Blaise was left at home; the quicker they revealed the news and got home the better. 


While three of them were revealing the news to their family and Blaise got ready for no doubt some members of their large extended family, Mia was in her nest panting with each contraction as she laboured to bring her twins into the world, completely unaware that her house was rapidly filling with Healer Talbot (although, she only stayed to reassure the family before leaving once again. Telling them to let her know when Mia comes out of the nest with the twins or if there were complications although she doubted there would be), George, Remus, Molly, Melissa and André and Damon's parents. Their siblings had stayed home as their own mates had not long come out of their own nests, however, they were all awake and waiting for news.

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