The book

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Stark woke up first which was surprising. Music blaring a coffee in hand he danced his way into Loki's room startling Loki to fall off the bed.

"OUCH"He cried out as he slammed to the floor with a bang "STARK WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" He screamed.

Tony stood curled over laughing as he watched Loki try de-tangle from the bedding. Loki was not amused at all. Waltzing into his room like a mad man on drugs early hours of the morning.

"Stark it's not funny, will you help me for god sake, I can't get out of this bedding" he said furiously trying to rip it to break lose.

"Hang on lokes, what you so worked up for! It's day 4 buddy you get your book today! Now lighten up will you" he said pulling Loki's leg out from the duvet pulling him up to his feet.

"Wait is it? It's been 3 days already?" He asked. He didn't even realise.

"Yeah buddy! Get dressed where going early to avoid the Saturday midday rush, then we have to go to a meeting with fury" he called over his shoulder leaving Loki alone.

Loki smiled from ear to ear jumping over the bed to the wardrobe. He picked out some navy blue jeans and a baggy black jumper to sling on with some trainers. Putting the duvet back on his bed and giving his hair a quick brush over he headed out into the kitchen to pour himself a drink. As excited as he was he couldn't leave without his morning coffee, especially after the wake up call he just received!

*********MALL **********

"All right loki show me where the shop is, don't run off this time" he said pointing a warning finger at the young god.

Loki giggled "I won't! It's this way" he excitedly grabbed starks hand dragging him to it like a 3 year old.

Having a nosy around the shop trying to find the book again he finally came across it. Pulling it out from the shelf Stark could see why he was so interested in it. It was magic related, Most specifically about magic that loki preformed. Teleporting, shape shifting e.c.t.

Loki held it out for stark to see eyes sparkling, taking it from him he gave it a flick over nodding in approval. "Alright come on" he said handing Loki the book back, he took it back grinning from eye to eye.

At the till loki handed the book over giving the man who stood there a smile. Shifting on his feet excited, he couldn't help himself, he earned this, he was proud of himself. Stark chuckled at the little scene as did the old man who was scanning his precious present. He pointed to Loki "he's a lively one isn't he?" He laughed.

Stark gave Loki a smile giving his shoulder a pat "not kidding there" Loki only smiled more In response.

"How old is he" the old man asked scanning the book.

"I'm..." he was cut off when stark butted in "he's 16" he answered for him giving Loki the side eye. He knew he would say 1000.

All paid and bagged Loki took it from the man "thank you" he cheerfully said.

Heading out back down to the car loki spoke "thank you for the book and by the way I was going to tell him I was 16, I'm not stupid enough to say my asgardian age" He rolled his eyes at the last part.

"Your welcome, keep your behaviour in check and I might get you another. As for your age I thought you would without thinking".

Loki smiled getting in the car.

*****furys office*****

Everyone was already in there when Loki and Tony arrived. Natasha like last time saved a seat for Loki. Smiling he headed over and took his seat. Thor waved to his brother from the other end of the table. Loki smiled cheerfully giving him a small wave back.

"Morning loki" Natasha beamed.

"Morning ma'am" he replied politely.

"Morning avengers" fury cheerfully said entering the room "and loki again".

"Morning sir" he replied back with a smile. Fury furrowed his eyebrows " alright which one is it that's give him happy pills" Everyone burst out into a fit of laughter.

Loki smiled cheekily at fury. The laughter died down. Loki looked around the table, seeing eyes on him smiling. Blushing he looked to Thor, who also was sat with a wide grin on his face.

Fury " how's he been as of recent, I expect good news" he said giving Loki a little glare.

"Not to bad, had one incident after the last meeting in the mall, ran off to a book store, got his head stuck in a book, making us lose our mind, got punished and carried on as normal, been amazing the last few days. Treated him to the book that made him to satisfied we couldn't find him for 2 hours!"
Stark said giving Loki a smirk.

Fury seemed intrigued to hear about Loki's book. "What's the book about" he asked curiously leaning down beside Loki. Loki held the book up for him to take. Pouting his lips nodding fury looked down at him with a raised eyebrow. Loki squirmed a little under the look. "Magic huh?" Loki nodded in reply. Handing him the book back the meeting continued with normal business leaving loki to mind his own with his book, satisfied and calm he sat quietly until the end.

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