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Patroclus did his best not to break into a flat-out sprint as he left the principal's office. He could feel Achilles' stare burning a hole into the back of his head, swore that he could feel it through the door as it shut behind him. He began to sweat, droplets beading along his hairline. Patroclus didn't mean to get him into trouble, he was only trying to be friendly and actually hold a conversation with the boy he'd been pining over since freshman year.

He'd never had the nerve to talk to him before––Achilles was head of the soccer team, the school's golden boy, and Patroclus was an awkward, semi-permanent fixture in the library. They didn't exactly run in the same circles. So, when he'd seen Achilles and Hector exchange a paper in the hallway before English, he thought it'd be the perfect ice breaker. As far as Patroclus knew, Achilles and Hector were best friends––he always saw them chatting between classes, heads bent toward one another in muffled conversation during gym.

As the teacher came around to collect that weekend's report, Pat had asked Achilles if Hector had helped him study the material. Their teacher's head whipped around so fast Patroclus was honestly surprised that it didn't fly from her shoulders. Achilles, expression always so open (he basically radiated sunshine out of his ass , Patroclus would say) shuttered in betrayal and outrage. "You studied with Hector?" the teacher asked, snatching Achilles' paper from his hands. "I'll be sure to be extremely thorough on my read through." With that she spun on her heel, leaving Patroclus to drown in the waves of anger rolling off a certain golden haired boy. If looks could kill, Patroclus's body would be stuffed ten feet under the linoleum. He could hear Achilles practically grinding his teeth to stubs for the rest of the period.

Achilles shot out of his seat as soon as the bell rang, practically a force of nature as he stormed out of the room. Patroclus waited a whole two minutes before exiting, frantically sending off a flurry of texts to Briseis. He fucked up big time and he didn't know how or why. "Why does this happen every time you open your stupid mouth?" Patroclus thought.

Briseis: Are you serious, Pat

Patroclus: He looked like he wanted to END ME

Briseis: DUDE OMG he and Hector have been cheating on assignments together all semester

Patroclus: What

Briseis: They've already gotten busted twice. Way to go, Snitchy Mc Snitch Pants

Patroclus: I had no idea omfg he hates me now, this is what I get for going after my dreams

Briseis: Tbh I'm surprised you didn't know given how you're literally his One Man Fan Club :p

Patroclus: hey can you just kill me pls


Patroclus was in his second to last class of the day, with every intention of never so much as breathing in Achilles's direction again, when he was called to the principal's office. Something in him shriveled and died when he saw Achilles sitting in one of the two chairs, arms crossed and his scowl the stuff of legends. "Patroclus, please sit," Odysseus said, smile kind but voice firm. Patroclus, now red as a tomato, clutched his backpack to his chest and took the offered seat. His heartbeat roared in his ears as Odysseus stared them down, rugged face particularly menacing in the fluorescents. "It's been brought to my attention that Achilles and Hector were cheating on their schoolwork...again," the older man stated. He sounded beyond exasperated, as if he'd keel over and die if Achilles was sent to his office just one more time. "And it was also brought to my attention that you might know something about it."

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