Amortentia Pt.1 (6th Year)

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7:00 AM - The Great Hall

Hermione sighed as she looked at Ron eating like a pig, as always. She pulled out Hogwarts, A History. She had just begun to read when suddenly, she felt someone looking at her. She looked up in confusion and scanned the hall for that someone. 

Then, a flash of silver distracted her at she stared right at her childhood tormentor. His mercurial orbs flashed with an unidentifiable emotion as he stared at her. Blushing, she couldn't find it in her to turn away. 

"'Mione!" Ron semi-shouted right in her ear. "'Mione!"

"Huh? Umm...," Hermione muttered. "What is it, Ronald?"

Malfoy was still looking at her.

"What're you looking at anyways, 'Mione?" he asked suspiciously. No answer. She had never acted this way before, so he tried in vain to seek where her attentions were.

He sighed and gave up when it was clear that nothing could shake her current state.

Malfoy finally turned away to talk to the boy who was sitting next to him. She vaguely recognized him. It was some boy named Zabini or something weird like that. He was from one of the old money, Pureblood families. Probably a stuck up, rich prat like the lot of them.

12:00 PM - Prof. Snape's Class

"Class...," Snape drawled out, "does anyone know what is in the cauldron in front of me?"

"..." literally everyone.

Hermione was waving her hand in the air vigorously.

Snape glanced at her. "Other than...Ms. Granger?"

"Amortentia," someone said. 

She looked to the source of the answer. Who else could it be but the Slytherin Prince?

"Well, Mr. Malfoy," he said, "50 points to Slytherin."

"What?!" all of the Gryffindors groaned. 

"But 'Mione had her hand up," Ron said.

"Well, Mr. Weasley. Since you interrupted me, 100 points from Gryffindor. And an extra 10 for complaining," he said. "And if I hear one more word out of you, I will take another 200 points."

"Bu-...," Ron started to say before Harry slapped his hand over his mouth, muffling the words.

"Back to the lesson. Can anyone explain what Amortentia is?" he asked. Hermione raised her hand. "Yes, Ms. Granger. Enlighten us with your knowledge," he said sarcastically.

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is considered to be very dangerous. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. However, it doesn't create actual love. It only creates a powerful infatuation or obsession with the person that gives it to you," she recited, as if reading from a book.

"Thanks for the lecture, Professor Beaver," Malfoy said, rolling his eyes.

"The instructions are in your book. If you need help, too bad," Snape said.

"Who are our partners, Professor Snape?" Hermione asked.

"On the board," he said slowly. "Only a fool could have missed it."



Harry Potter - Astoria Greengrass

Ronald Weasley - Pansy Parkinson

Neville Longbottom - Luna Lovegood (a/n: I know she's not in Gryffindor. I did this because I'm the author, and I wanted to)

Seamus Finnigan - Lavender Brown

Blaise Zabini - Ginny Weasley

Theodore Nott - Daphne Greengrass


As Hermione read the list, she realized in horror who her partner was.

Draco Malfoy - Hermione Granger

She had been so absorbed in her horror that she didn't realize Malfoy had walked over to her until he said, "Hey, Granger. I guess we're partners then."

She blanched as he smirked. 


Dun dun dun!!!!

A cliffhanger. I know. The next part will be up soon hopefully. I'm taking some summer college-level classes, so I don't know when I can upload. 

My upload schedule will be fairly irregular but keep reading, my lovelies!

Hope you enjoyed!


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