"I'm sorry, fuck I didn't mean to hurt you" he took your wrist gently, bringing it to his lips to pepper some soft kisses along the red marks.

"It's okay, but I'm still confused about what Oikawa was talking about" you softened, his touch seeming to unravel your hurt.

"..." Iwaizumi took a deep breath "he wanted to have a party at my house this weekend, but I said no because my Dad would kill me. He's still trying to push it though"

"Oh-" your mind processed the information, but it wasn't quite adding up "so why did you get so mad?"

"I don't know, you know how Shittykawa is" he raised his brows, exhaling through his nose into a smile "still, I'm sorry" he moved your hand to behind his nape, pulling you into a hug while swaying slightly.

"I said it's fine dumbass, just don't get so worked up over loserkawa" you laughed, squeezing him tighter before pulling away.

"Okay, and anyway, we have plans this weekend - right?" He raised his brows, eyes becoming rather sultry as they bore into you.

"Yes, we do" you matched his sly smirk, maintaining eye contact with him before you walked to the cafeteria to go and eat lunch.

"And you're coming round to my house tonight still?"

"Of course"


"How come your Dad is never around?" You asked Iwaizumi, running your finger over a few baby pictures of the boy that were hung up haphazardly in uncoordinated places around his living room.

"He works a lot, distracts him from Mom I guess" he came behind you, wrapping his arms around your torso and resting his chin on your shoulder.

"You haven't spoken about your Mom much..." you ran your fingertips over his fingers, that were on your stomach.

"She died a few years ago, kind of hit us both a little hard. I would get a job to help my Dad out, but volleyball takes up almost all my time" he sighed.

"I'm sure your dad appreciates you just for you, and your Mom, well... she'd be proud of you"

"Can I kiss you?" He asked after a moment of silence to absorb your words.

"Yes" you chuckled, spinning 180° in his grip to face him.

Hajime slowly leant in, buckling your body towards him to finally push you onto his lips.

Your lips parted straight away, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth, essentially dominating the kiss.

Opening your eyes slightly you brought your hands to his chest, pulling off his tie then starting to undo his top buttons while keeping your lips on his.

The boy smirked, taking his mouth away from yours and watching the strand of saliva that followed.

"Shall we take this upstairs?" He chuckled.

"I think we should" you giggled back, the excitement evident on both your faces.

He then lifted you off your feet, literally, letting you wrap your calves around his torso and cross your feet behind his back. Your arms hugging around his neck for balance while you laughed.

"Quit squishing my arms or I'll drop you-" he threatened, but that didn't stop you touching his beautiful biceps all the way up the stairs.

Then when you reached his room he quickly slammed the door behind him, then slammed your back against it.


Your lower half was grinding against him as his hands groped your ass and thighs. The door against your back was giving enough support for him to grind against you, and the more you pulled at his hair the more he felt his erection grow.

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