Chapter 1

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Hoseok is a curious little pup. He loves to sneak out at night to explore the pack's territory. The pup is an absolute ball of sunshine and the most energetic pup you'll ever come across. It wouldn't be the first time that he sneaked out at night to look at the beautiful stars and the shining room.

Hoseok's wolf is called Hobi. Their bond is extremely strong. Hobi is really protective and comes out when someone tries to hurt Hoseok, verbally or physically. Both Hobi and Hoseok are ready to protect their precious future mate.

One day, 8 year old Hoseok hears a wolf howling by Moonshine Rock at midnight. He decides that he will sneak out to go take a look at who it is. The curious little pup changes into his wolf form and climbs out of his window on the second floor of the house. He jumps in the tree and gets down, then sprints through the woods towards the familiar rock formation.

Moonshine Rock consists of two pointy rocks, pointing towards each other, one on each side of the pack's border.

After five minutes of running, the only thing you can hear being the tiny paws hitting the soft ground of the forest, he finally reaches the rocks. On the rock, at the other side of the border, in the rogue lands, stands a beautiful, white, tiny wolf, howling at the moon.

Hoseok slowly approaches the rocks, trying to not scare the other. However, he fails at his attempt. The white wolf stops howling and takes a few tiny steps back, whimpering slightly in fear. The brown wolf lays down carefully and makes himself as small as possible to show that he is no threat. The other slowly relaxes.

Hoseok goes to stand on the rock on his side of the border. He starts howling at the moon, the gorgeous creature soon joining him. When they are done, the other wolf looks at Hoseok. The pup can see sadness and loneliness in the wolfs eyes. That isn't weird since the wolf is in the rogue lands, but why is he there. He can't be a lot older than Hoseok himself, maybe 9 years old.

After a moment of comfortable silence Hoseok hears a soft, comforting voice in his head.

"Hey" the wolf whispers.

"Hey, what's your name?" The pup whispers back, pausing before asking the question.

"Yoongi", the other answers

There is a slight pause in the conversation before Yoongi hesitantly starts to speak again.

"W-what's your name? Y-you d-don't have to-", Yoongi stutters.

"My name is Hoseok, you don't have to be scared. I won't hurt you. Can I know how old you a-"

Before the brown wolf can finish his sentence, Yoongi interrupts him.

"I have to go, I hope to see you again."

Yoongi runs of to avoid the other saying anything else, disappearing into the darkness formed by the trees standing in the dangerous woods of the rogue lands.  Hoseok can only hope with all of his hart that the tiny wolf will be safe.

The next day, the curious pup sneaks out ones again, a little bit before midnight. He makes his way to moonshine rock, sitting down on the highest point of the rock on his side of the border. He slowly lays down, looking at the edge of the woods, hoping that Yoongi will come again tonight, wishing for him to arrive unharmed.

The pup is in wolf form, showing of his beautiful, soft, brown fur and his dark brown eyes that are sparkling with the light shining from the moon's surface lighting up the rocks on either side of the invisible line separating the two pups from each other. He scans the area of the woods that is visible to him despite the darkness lingering in the rogue lands. He gets a little glimpse of a white blur, watching while Yoongi slowly approaches his location, stopping right in front of him on the other side.

They look into each other's eyes, admiring each other, a warm feeling filling their bodies. When the moon is right above them, they look up and both start howling at the brightly shining circle in the sky. After all, moonshine rock got it's name from the fact that the moon seems to shine brighter above the rock formation than in any other spot.

The two boys look at each other in the eyes ones again.

"Hey", Yoongi says through their mind link.

"Hey", Hoseok answers.

"Didn't think you would come back", Yoongi whispers sadly, just loudly enough for the other to hear.


"Because I'm not worth coming back to."

"What do you mean? You're worth a lot more. You deserve more than the world", Hoseok says, trying to understand why the gorgeous wolf is thinking so lowly of himself.

"Sure, whatever floats your boat. But I'm worth nothing."

"How old are you?" the bigger wolf asks, trying to change the conversation.

"9..." Yoongi answers.

The both of them stay silent for a while.

"Hope to see you again..."

The older slowly walks backwards, still looking at Hoseok, before turning around and sprinting back into the darkness of the night.

Sitting on the cold rock, ten minutes before midnight, a wolf with beautiful brown fur is looking at the space between the trees standing serenely in the dark forest of the rogue lands.

A slightly older wolf walks towards the younger, paws softly hitting against the ground. The moon rises to the top, both wolfs looking up and howling towards the black sky.

Looking down ones again, trying to read each other's emotions after the conversation they had the day before, Hoseok opens their mind link to ask a question that had been in his mind for the past two days.

"Why are you in the rogue lands? A beautiful, young wolf like you shouldn't be in that dark and lonely place."

"Kicked out of my pack because I'm a male omega. I mean, I am useless and weak", Yoongi answers.

"You're not useless, nor weak. You survived in the rogue lands. That means you're strong, not only physically, but also mentally."

Yoongi chuckles sarcastically.

"The only thing I can do is be a slut and get pregnant."

Hoseok sighs, sad about how the older thinks of himself, surprised that someone so young can have such a  mindset. On second thought, he did have to grow up too fast, having to survive on his own in one of the most dangerous places a wolf could imagine, where they could kill for a place to stay or some food, where going into heat will probably be your death.

The younger looks into his hyung's eyes, sadness clearly visible in the beautiful, dark orbs of the older. Yoongi slowly turns around whispering a sad "See ya...", before heading back to the dark forest, filled with dead trees.

Hoseok's tear filled eyes following the small wolf with pretty white fur.

I promise you, Yoongi, I will be here every night, howling together with you to the moon.

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