Missing the dead

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(Yn), Emma, Norman, and Ray were back from the demon world. It had been a whole year. Now they were 15. Everyone was excited to see their oldest siblings, who had changed the promise between humans and demons.

"Ray!" Jemima yelled.

"Emma!" Phil yelled.

"Norman!" Don yelled.

"(Yn)!" Everyone yelled.

(Yeah we're the favorite.)

"(Yn)," Emma huffed, "Always getting all the attention."

(Yn) smirked at Emma's childish behavior. They were both 15 years old now and the ginger still whined. Mama Isabella appeared with a small child in her arms. A small baby with brown hair. "Ray, (Yn), Emma, Norman. This is your baby brother. Kai."

Emma was all over the child, so was Norman. Ray despite being a bit more happy than a few years ago wasn't as excited, his mind was elsewhere. He kept one giving side glances to (Yn), who was staring off at the sea's horizon. The sun had started setting, so the water gave everyone's skin a pinkish tint. She looked so zoned out, and perfect doing it. Ray longed to know what she was thinking about.

"What's your brain pondering over now dummy?" He asked lightly slapping the back of her forehead.

(Yn) still stared at the horizon, then she turned to Ray, with tears in her eyes.

"(Yn)? Did I say something wrong?" Ray asked reviewing what he had done in the past few seconds.

"No," (Yn) sighed. "You did everything just fine." She smiled, and wiped the tears off her eyes as a single drop fell to the ground. "You did everything just fine."


Mama introduced the four children to a man with light brown hair and hazel eyes. "This is your father. Hanako Katayama."

The man greeted the four with a large bear hug. "I've been waiting to see you four ever since Isabella- I mean your mother told me about you. Now I think I remember your names." He thought for a minute. "The ginger girl is Emma. The one with blue eyes is Norman. The emo-boy is Ray. And the one who the children always acted out is (Yn)." He got everyone right.

Emma whined again. "Come on! Why couldn't our siblings act me out! Its always (Yn)!"

(Told ya we're famous.)

"When was the last time you roundhouse kicked a demon in the face, got kidnapped by poachers, got your stomach ripped to pieces, and pulled an amazing pun." (Yn) teased giving only a few of the mini adventures she had in the demon world.

"I haven't..." Emma muttered.

"Exactly." (Yn) smiled. Then she held her head low too, she didn't want anyone to know she was gonna start crying. She remembered Yuugo, and Lucas. They were the true fathers. Not this man. And she didn't want to play favorites, but Yuugo was the best. And she would never be able to see him again.

(I'm really sorry, I went kinda emotional there. I just really miss Yuugo, and am crying now.)

"So, since we've all been introduced. Welcome to the Katayama family you four." Mama said with a cheery smile.

(Yn) didn't like that, she liked the name and their new dad, and little brother. But the demon world had a little bit more flare in it, and if she were to be honest, she would rather be fighting demons than be here. Fighting demons with Yuugo, then getting a pat on the head and a sharp-toothed smile.

'Good job Gunshot.' She heard Yuugo say her nickname. 'Go (Yn), run and be safe.' His last words. (Yn) started crying, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"(Yn)?" Ray asked noticing her mood change.

"Ugh! This fuc- This sand is getting in my eyes!" She didn't swear, it would remind her of Yuugo, and get her in trouble.

"Oh, well, lets get in the van." Dad suggested.

They walked over to what Norman described as a mechanism to take someone from point A to B. He had read about it in a William Minerva book. And it wasn't a van. It was a bus. It had 44 seats on the inside, including the driver and passenger seat!

"How do you drive this thing, Dad?" Ray asked.

"Yeah Dad." Norman added.

"Tell us Dad." Emma chimed in.

The three had already adapted to the name, whilst all (Yn) could think of, is when she called Yuugo, Dad. And he had replied by calling her Daughter.

"It just takes raw talent I guess." Dad puffed up his his chest in pride.

Anyone could see Gilda giggling inside of the bus. "Come on now Hanako, let the kids inside and we can show them their new home."


I'm sorry, I am just really attached to Yuugo, and will mention him in the story a couple of times. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter so far, and if you don't mind, please go check my main story out too, Miracles are memories. Someone already sent me fanart for it. Love you guys!


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