Chapter 6 Mixtape

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3rd POV

The group starts looking around otherworld, meeting some weird people(?), like a gumbo telling them how happy they were, a little green man telling them how human really love space travel, and a weird creature(?), creatures(?), uh..thing, saying how beautiful the universe is

And they found....Mari? There she was, sitting on her usual picnic blanket, all set out and waiting

"Welcome to otherworld... an unofficial pitstop for weary space travelers and a popular family-friendly camping ground!" she told them

She took a deep breath, "Ahhhhhhhhh... Don't you just love the smell of firewood? And the sound of running water? And the crisp space breeze? It all makes the vast emptiness of space a little more bearable, don't you think?"

After their brief meet with mari, they continued looking around

"What...that?" asked Y/n, pointing at a sheet of paper on the wall

They moved in to get a closer look to see it was a wanted poster for ...some big rock

They kept looking around, meeting some of the locals and more tourists

They also found a machine that gave clams in return of recycling

after looking at a few more things they made it to a house on top of a hill that looked like a moon

A penguin guy wearing a striped shirt and a red bandana with a yellow star on the front was standing in front of the house, they approached him

"Halt, children! You are now entering the vicinity of... The captain of the space pirates... The master of the solar system... The prince of the universe... The one-and-only Capt. Spaceb- I mean... Err... You are entering the house of... Space... boyfriend.." He said, he didn't seem that thrilled saying space boyfriend's name 

"Whoa, the captain of the space pirates lives here? THAT'S AWESOME!! I wanna be a space pirates too!" kel shouted

"Yeah, well...So did I... once" the space pirates said in a low voice

"Space boyfriend doesn't do much these days, so most of the space pirates got fed up and left the main ship. It's just us stragglers here doing all of space boyfriend's chores and whatever. Yesterday, me and the guys spent the day cleaning and throwing away all of his trash"

The pirate sighed

"I didn't leave my old job for this... I ain't no babysitter!" he complained

"Awww, I'm sorry... That sounds awful. Maybe we can talk some sense into him" aubrey suggested

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Capt. spacebo- I mean... Space boyfriend's got two sides to him, you see" the pirate warned

"We should at least try! You never know... He might know something about how to find basil!" hero said

"Or maybe he knows where to find my pet rock, hector!" said kel

"Yeah s-sure, that too" Hero mumbled

"What are we waiting for? Let's go see him already!" kel shouted

"Sorry about your job, sir. It'll get better soon, I promise!" said aubrey

Y/n and omori nodded enthusiastically

The pirate sighs

"Thank you, little lady. I sure hope so" he said

He moved aside so the group could move forward

They walk into the house where they saw a bunch of pirates organizing boxes, all of them look like they weren't enjoying their lives right now

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