chapter twenty-seven.

Start from the beginning

They, in fact, did not ever turn it off.

There was one thing that Lilith could do, but she didn't know if it would work exactly. She wasn't amazing at this specific spell either, so that would mess it up a bit.

Nonverbal spells weren't taught yet, so this was going to be half difficult.

She closed her eyes and took a breath in, focusing. A moment later, the buzzing and zapping stopped. She opened her eyes and touched her finger to the fence.

Nothing happened.

"See?" she asked, starting to climb the fence. "I thought you guys trusted me more," she joked, chuckling.

The others exchanged glances before following her up and over the fence.

They hit the ground and the fence gave a small buzz but cut out a second later.

"Let's do this shit," Fynn said, cracking his knuckles as he stopped next to Lilith. He looked back at the others. "Ready to go, bitches?" They nodded, and he turned back forward, nudging Lilith's arm. "Ready, whore?"

"Ready," she said, nudging him back. Fynn chuckled and started walking, pulling her with him carefully. The others started following them, all of them keeping quiet.

The building looked like it was abandoned. Why it had an electric fence, they really didn't know. It didn't seem like anything valuable was there.

"Why is the fence electrical if this place looks like it hasn't been touched in sixty years?" Aven asked as they crouched behind a set of very dead bushes.

Lilith shrugged. "I'm not sure. Probably part of the assingment. Now, let's go."

They kept their crouched position and started towards the old door. The door was rotting and had moss covering it. If it was stuck, it shouldn't have been too hard to kick open, or break through.

Lilith went to open it, but the doorknob looked brand new, and the door was definitely locked.

"Wait," Raine said, tightening the laces on their combat boots. "Step back."

They all took a step away from the door as Raine started taking a few steps forward.

"I hope your school doesn't care if this things breaks," they said, kicking the door as hard as they could.

It hardly budged.

"What the fuck," Raine muttered, kicking the door again.

"That's weird," Darcy said, walking over to the door. She ran her fingers along the wood. "That should have given in with no problem."

"Aven, can you pick the lock?" Alrik asked, nodding to the door knob.

Aven nodded and started towards the door, pulling a lock picker in the shape of a pocket knife out and flipping the lock picking part out. She crouched down in front of the knob and started picking it as Darcy continued to furrow her brows at the door.

There must have been some powerful magic on the door if it was that old and didn't even bend.

A moment later the door clicked and Aven smirked. "Would you look at that," she said, smiling as she stood up and put the lock picker back in her pocket. Grabbing the knob, she pulled the door open roughly.

Lilith muttered a thank you and walked in first, all the others following behind her.

The room was dimly lit, with the same old wood as the outside. There was one wall with wallpaper on it.

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