In love?

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Yugi's p.o.v
I rolled out of bed as I couldn't wake up as the person that i love has left the world and I don't know what to do anymore. I went down stairs all stroppy and moody and all of my  friends were there and they all had happy faces (which was confusing and worrying) "what's going on?" I asked confusingly "are we not allowed to smile yugi" said joey (one of my friends) "but why are you happy yami has gone and he will never come back!" I shouted really upset to the point where tears started to form in my amethyst eyes then, rolling down my blank pale cheek. "Yugi you need to move on now we all know that you and the pharaoh and he is really close but you need to leave all of that behind and move on from where you left of yugi. We are all worried about you!" Said Anzu. "She's right yugi." Said Ryou (someone who is very shy and sensitive. "Whatever. I'm going to school!" I shouted.

Yami's p.o.v
"Let me go and see yugi please he is all I have left!" I shouted at he guardians. "If you go back pharaoh then you won't see all of your family again and won't rule Egypt anymore!" Said one of the guardians in a serious tone and voice. "So let me go and see him! I love him to bits and without him, I am not complete like his millennium puzzle. He was the one that saved me, he is the one that needed me, I am the one that needs him! Please." I asked crying and shouting at the same time. "Instead of you going to see him...we can give you this." Said a guardian is a soft voice. "Hmph a mirror what-" asked the pharaoh. " it's not just any old mirror pharaoh... you can se your loved one using this."

The pharaoh returnsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें