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"No Dad, you don't need to fucking come and- I said n- Why don't you ever listen to your piece of shi-" I looked down at my phone to see Call Ended. "That fucker..." I sighed with a grunt and pocketed my phone to the back of my jeans as I carried my last box to my room in the other hand.

Today was the day I was moving into my dorm room at Paradise University, and let's just say that things were not going so smoothly: first, I missed my flight and had to buy another fucking ticket, then, I had to wait twenty minutes to get a cab that took me in the complete opposite direction of the university, and lastly, when I had finally arrived, my deadbeat of a father just had to call me.

Ever since the move and my mom leaving, tensions with my dad had been tense. He blamed the divorce on me of course, just because he was a lazy bum of a man who lost his job right when we moved. So, when he called to say he would be flying down to see how I was settling, this of course irked me to no end.

And when I tried to say no, he insisted and didn't listen to me as always. But it's whatever, I'll just threaten him or some shit later, because right now, I had other matters to attend to. 

I shouldered back opened the door to my shared dorm with my roommate, who has yet to appear, and placed down my last box holding textbooks and sketching pads and pencils. I looked around the small room that held two beds, two desks, and two draws, with a closet hiding in the front hallway to the room (if you could even call it that), and nodded, satisfied with the condition of the room.

Having already put away all my clothes and necessities, I sat on my neatly made bed and took out my sketching notebook, and looked out the window in the center of the far wall by the head of the beds. The room was on the second floor, so the small green leaves to the tall trees outside brushed against the glass window and shined in the sunlight.

I was just finishing the devil horns to a portrait of my father when the door slammed open.

"Fucking finally!" The girl yelled agitatedly and threw all of her duffle bags and suitcases on the floor then flung herself on top of the bed with a long exhale.

I sat dumbfounded on my bed as I waited for the girl with short hair and freckles to introduce herself to me, or at least notice that I was in the room, and after two whole minutes she did when she turned around in her bed to face me. Her eyes widened in slight surprise and she sat up.

She looked me up and down as if trying to intimidate me, but I only smiled and held out my hand; my opinion on her would be formed on what she did with this. Would she shake it, or slap it away, or just ignore me?

The nameless girl held out her hand and shook it with a blank face. "So you're my roommate, huh?" She said while sizing me up again.

"Yeah," I said. "Y/n L/n." I nodded to her and went back to sit against the headboard to my bed.

"Ymir," the girl grunted out and began to heave her suitcases and bags into her uncovered bed, her slender hands going to unzip them.

"Just Ymir?" I questioned with curiosity. The girl's head whipped to me with a glare and I only held my hands up. "So just Ymir, got it..." I mumbled out to myself.

It was quiet in the small room from besides Ymir's unpacking and constant cursing from having to do all this "fucking bullshit." But in the past few minutes, I've already learned a lot about my new roommate. One, she was pretty hot; two, she liked to curse a lot; and three, she had no organization skills.

I watched in amusement as the girl tried for the tenth time to fit all of her unfolded shirts into one drawer from atop my bed with Frank Ocean playing out of my headphones. I ran my pencil over the pages to my sketchbook while I glanced down at my work and up at Ymir.

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