Ren: Huh?

Ryuji: You're the first person who's going to hear it so....

(Ren looks at Ryuji as he fixes his glasses.)

Ryuji: I..... plan in moving to Kyoto.

(Ren's eyes widened.)

Ren: Kyoto? Huh..... That's surprising. Why?

Ryuji: Well this city is really hustling and bustlin' so....I thought I can score big there!

Ren: I mean you did say you were moving, but it wasn't long before your mother got ill. But are you sure? It's not too different than here.

Ryuji: I get more opportunities there y'know, and I wanna broaden my scope.

Ren: Right..... It's not gonna be the same without you....

Ryuji: I know..... I know.

Ren: Do you still plan to?

Ryuji: Well..... yeah. Maybe I can start something anew there..... I wonder about yours?

Ren: Me? Uhm..... that's a little odd coming from you. Well.....I really can't say yet.

Ryuji: Oh..... hey! How about you to move to Tokyo?

Ren: Huh?

(Ren's eyes widened for a bit, he looks ahead as he thinks about it.)

Ryuji: You've been visiting here a buncha' times now, you're starting to look like a Tokyo natural yourself!

(Ren looks at Ryuji.)

Ren: Really?

Ryuji: Yeah!

Ren: Huh.... I honestly never thought of that..

Ryuji: And also..... Sumire. Must be a pain living far away from her.

Ren: Hey- we've been thinking on where else to live in Japan.

Ryuji: For real? Uhm- How about something that has peace and quiet? Something like your hometown?

Ren: I haven't decided yet..... give me time to think.

Ryuji: Alright alright....



Ren: When are you planning to move?

Ryuji: Can't really say, I still feel unprepared at the moment.

Ren: Still short?

Ryuji: ..... yeaaaaah.

Ren: Well..... you did part-time before, right?

Ryuji: Yeah, been saving up for awhile but I'm still low as shit!

Ren: *sigh* ..... I feel you there..... I believe in you though. If I managed to work myself off, then you can do too.

Shin Megami Tensei: Dark Phantom [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now