chapter 3

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your pov
the next day we took this little test thing and we got excepted into jujutsu high🙄💅🏾 and we got dorms. after gojo showed me my room (and kept trying to get yuuji out so it could be me and him) we went to yuuji's dorm which was small plain and regular. then we went into the hallway.......yea nothing fun forreal all 3 of us were talking when fushiguro walked out of his room in a black shirt and sweat pants looking smexy

"you're next door you know there were more empty dorms right?" he says glaring at yuuji but i step in front of him

"no IM next door" i say smiling and he just looks at me and shrugs

fushiguro pov
i left out of my room because i heard gojo talking and i was gonna tell him to shut up but i seen itadori and y/n. not gonna lie they're both very irritating but y/n's a little more tolerable than itadori

i looked at her to see her hair out, it looked soft and fluffy then i looked at her clothes. she made "comfortable and lazy" look nice. then she had on house shoes that looked like snoopy from charlie brown. i look back up at everyone and realize yuuji is leaning on the door right next to mines

"you're next door you know there were more empty dorms right?" i ask but y/n steps in front of him

"no IM next door" she say. i just shrug and yuuji comes next to me

"wow you're room is so neat and clean" he says

"i told you you're not welcome" i say slamming the door on his neck but that's when gojo speaks up

your pov
"alright u guys we will meet up with the other student tomorrow" gojo says

"oh good i can sleep" i say walking into my dorm but gojo stops me

"oh no you don't you're training with me" he says and my eyes go wide

"umm ok" i say then run over to yuuji and whisper something in his ear

"bruh if i'm not back by 6 call the police this man is trying to fuck me" i tell him

"well that wouldn't be right because u texted me you wouldn't care" he said

"willingly sir not forcefully" i say

"alright cmon y/n" gojo say wrapping his arm around mines

"aight see ya yuuji. i'll holla at u fushiguro" i say and we leave

"ok gojo sensei where are we going to train for" i ask him and he looks at me

"don't worry just know it'll be fun" he says and takes me to the gym. we get there and he just looks me up and down

"sir you do known in 14-17 right?" i ask him

"oh don't worry it'll fit" he says going to the back and my eyes go wide again. guess who won't be walking for the next 2 weeks. anyways he comes back and he hands me a uniform and a kunai along with a spin blade

"here you go. like i said it should fit but you can try it on later right now we need to work on how you will use your objects" he says and my heart slows down. don't get me wrong he's fined asl but "RIP MY PUSSY AYYYE"

-time skip

i've finally got the basics with my weapons and my technique. hell i even landed 6 hits on gojo.
i got to my dorm and i layed down on my floor and fall asleep

-ze next day

i put my uniform on and baby i went from looking like a daily snack to a fuckin meal. i put my hair into a puffball and walk with yuuji to meet with gojo and fushiguro. when we get there we see gojo wave us over

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