Start from the beginning

"Do you not understand the concept of time? Or do you just like appearing fifty minutes into detention?" The administrator disappointedly shook his head yet his face betrayed the fact that he didn't expect much.

Shrugging simply, his stature lacking any ounce of care, his aura glowering with recklessness. Ivy almost admired his improvidence—However, she could never treat a teacher in that attitude, her politeness wouldn't ever physically allow it.

      He was terrifyingly handsome—The type of boys Ivy's mother would scream at her to steer visibly clear from. However, she just couldn't keep her observance against him that clearly he payed no mind towards as he strode straight past her. If they even connected eyes, she was sure he would know exactly every thought that raided her brain. Admittedly she wasn't ogling at him. It was extremely hard for her to openly admit if she had a crush. He was more— fascinating to reconnoitre; This boy just seemed so unbothered and Ivy was just inquisitive, that's all. Is that so wrong?

"What's good, Vinnie!" A raspy voice welcomed the late comer behind Ivy.

Vinnie. Interesting. Ivy chanted that name mentally, Vinnie, Vinnie, Vinnie, the peculiarly attractive name rolled off the tongue. Casual name for a casual boy. Sounded Italian but Ivy wouldn't be able to tell, she's not great with that sort of thing.

       The two friends clasped hands loudly in a warm friendship greeting, as Ivy rolled her eyes, her dainty hands clasping her inky pen frustratedly. Did they honestly have to be that damn loud?

"What are you doing over there?" A voice was a little too nearby to Ivy's ear, as she suppressed the urge to flinch. No stranger should ever be that close, there's such thing as personal fucking space.

She peered slowly behind her and is immediately faced with an impertinent face, Vinnie's supposed friend leaning directly off the table to examine Ivy's talented sketches.

         Hmm, Strange. He was obviously very attractive but like, in a cheeky, self-indulgent way. His doe eyes reigned coffee brown piscina of acerbity. A permanent smirk goading and stirring at his full lips, that were a complimentary tone to his vermillion polo shirt. Dark chestnut curls flopped down, sporting a careless impetuous look before he disparaged an ivory hand through them, separating each loose coil. His voice matched his face so well: Raspy, snarky and heedless of strange charm.

"Nothing much." Ivy shrugged absentmindedly, twirling her thin pen between her thumb and index finger to distract herself.

       "Mmh. Well I'm Mariano, Mariano Castano," He nodded his head slowly, pronouncing each syllable very carefully as if Ivy was mentally slow. "And this is Vinnie Hacker." Vinnie barely glanced from his dusky phone screen, his eyes unfocused and his fingers tapping away at the virtual keyboard. Ivy already gotten the impression that he is not very sociably friendly.

Holy shit. For the first time, Ivy felt so dumb. Like incredibly and stupendously dumb. First grade, unable to comprehend fucking things dumb. How can two boys make her feel this way first time meeting.

The thing is, Ivy wasn't stupid. In fact, she was a long way from stupid. Classed as one of top thirty students in seattle, her GPA skyrocketing past every single student in the room. She was incredibly intelligent, an intellectual who could willingly act like a smartass if she chose to. But she doesn't. It's not fun. So the fact that this boy is treating her like she was imbecilic felt highly disrespectful. Asshole. She suddenly felt this impending urge to leave as her cheeks flooded with rubicund. She hated it, her cheeks always easily rouged, giving her away.

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