T W E N T Y - S I X

Start from the beginning

"Point me!" I spoke. The wand then pointed me to the way to Hogwarts. I followed it and kept walking.

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While walking to Hogwarts I made a friend. Half-blood. A little older than me but I needed someone to keep me sane and he seemed like a nice person. I told him everything and he really didn't mind. I would never see him anyway so...

"When I get to Hogwarts, Potter is so dead! Voldemort failed but I won't. I'll put him in a grave." I spoke as I walked to Hogwarts.

"Aren't you fourteen?" He asked.

"Yes. I would have put him in a grave ten years ago!" I spoke. He laughed and I laughed along with him.

"But seriously when I get home, Father is so dead!" I spoke while walking. "Voldemort too! How dare he! They all left me!" I spoke. 

"Just apparate." He spoke.

"Wow! Blimey, why didn't I think of that? I would if I could." I spoke. "I don't have my apparation license yet. I tried on my own once, I got splinched." I muttered lowly.

"I can apparate you. If you want." He suggested. 

"Usually I wouldn't take an offer like this but my feet can't walk anymore so please?" I spoke.

"Wait you know what Hogwarts looks like right?" I asked. He nodded. 

"Perfect! Take me away!" I spoke while grabbing his hand. He pulled out his wand and apparated us away. 

I opened my eyes and Hogwarts was right in front of me.

"Bless you!" I spoke. "Thank you!" I spoke and waved goodbye. I watched as he apparated away.


Time to



I walked through the corridors, everyone was at dinner so even better. I decided to go to my dorm instead because if I was going to kill someone.

I would look good doing it.

I changed my outfit and brushed through my hair then brushed my teeth. I grabbed my wand and headed out to the Great Hall. I opened the doors using my wand and burst through.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" I yelled while looking through the Gryffindors. I found him walked up to him and pulled him by his robe. I dragged him out of his seat and threw him onto the floor.

"I spent my whole night and morning walking to get here!" I spoke purposely leaving out the boy I met.

"I had to-" Potter tried to speak. I slapped him. The whole Great Hall was watching. 

Dumbledore was even watching.

"Hmm. What spell to use." I spoke while Potter still laid on the floor in fear.

"Expelliarm-" Potter tried but I blocked it.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I spoke. He laid there frozen on the floor.

This kind of reminded me of the memory Father told me about him and Mother with the special rock.

Let's just say I took out all of my anger out on Potter. I was kicking him slapping him, and punching him.

All the students watched. Blaise and Draco tried pulling me away but I slapped both of them and they immediately let me go. Snape had to come and pull me off of Potter.

"LET GO OF ME!" I spoke while trying to get out of his grip.

"I WILL KILL YOU POTTER!" I yelled before I was dragged out of the Great Hall and into Dumbledore's office.

Snape locked me in there and I was hungry. I looked around Dumbledore's office and found no food. I heard the door unlock and went back to sitting down.

"Miss Malfoy, this is the...uh-how many times have you harmed a student?" Dumbledore asked sitting down.

"Sir, he left me in a graveyard. Alone. While I was walking in the cold and dark. He was in the castle warm and cozy with a full stomach!" I snapped. 

"Why haven't we expelled you yet?" He muttered to himself.

"Because my dad has money and funds most of the things here."I spoke.

"Miss Malfoy, your Father's money can only get you so far and it won't excuse you or get you out of everything. You need to think of yourself and your future. You need to be more independent." Dumbledore spoke.

"Are you saying I can't do anything without my Father?" I asked.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. You rely too much on your Father." Dumbledore spoke.

"I do not!" I spoke. "Also, where's my trophy! I won it!" I spoke. Dumbledore sighed and got up. He brought me my trophy and I smiled as I held it.

"It's no longer a portkey right?" I asked. He nodded.

"Perfect! Have a lovely evening." I spoke and walked out. 

I made my way to the common room while admiring the trophy. I entered and was tackled to the floor by Draco.

"Oh my god! I thought you died! I missed you!" He spoke while hugging me.

"Can't breathe." I spoke.

"Oh right." Draco spoke and got off of me. I got up and Blaise hugged me.

"Also very tight." I spoke.

"Sorry." He spoke. 

"It's fine look at my shiny new trophy!" I spoke proudly. 

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We said goodbye to Durmstrang and Beauxbatons.

[End of Fourth Year]

P.S. I got a Durmstrang boy's address so I could owl him :) hehe

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed fourth year because I enjoyed writing this year so much!

fifth year here we come :)

any suggestions for fifth year here!

P.S. I'm writing fifth year as we speak because I'm impatient I might post it later today or in the middle of the night. hehe. I hope you all are enjoying this book so far.

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