"I really don't like you right now. Stop talking to me" I mugged him.

"Why you only mad at me though?" He frowned.

"Why you still talking to me?" I blinked at him.

"Just like yo damn mother. Always want somebody to kiss yo ass" He slouched in his seat.

"Grow up" I mugged him.

"You first" He smiled.

"Anyways. Why y'all wanna have another kid? Them hoes a lot of work" I said.

"Our life boring. Your father always working and Jalen (my dad wife son) about to be a senior. We're gonna be lonely" She sighed.

"So travel. You don't needa kid to make your life exciting" I said in a duh tone.

"You know yo father cheap as hell. He don't have a problem spending money on you though" She mugged him.

"You know I gotta spoil my baby. I'm always spending money on you too so cut it out" He mugged her.

"Who said you could speak?" She cocked her head to the side.

"Almost called yo ass the B word" He mugged her.

"Do it I dare you" She stared at him.

"Y'all dead wrong for making Jalen move to a whole different state his senior year" I shook my head.

"That's what I said" Jalen said coming in the kitchen.

"Oh he speaks" She eyed him.

"I"m still not talking to y'all" He opened the fridge grabbing a cold gatorade.

"You ain't been talking to them?" I laughed.

"Hell no" He drunk his gatorade.

"Girl he ain't spoke to us in 6 days like that's really finna change our mind" She laughed.

"Jalen you wan live wimme?" I asked.

"You fr?" His eyes widened.

"Oh boy no I was playing" I laughed making him kiss his teeth.

"Bruh you play too much" He mugged me.

"It ain't even enough space in my lil ass apartment. Plus you a boy all my food gon be gone uh uh" I shook my head.

"That wouldn't have worked anyway. His ass still gotta crush on Star you would've been taking care of 3 babies if he lived there" His mom shook her head.

"You still like Star?" I laughed.

"Nigga seen her one time and that was 4 years ago" My dad laughed.

"Y'all on dick" He mugged us.

"Star got a bf anyway" I shrugged.

"Ion know why they making it seem like I'm hung up on shawdy. I think she cute and that's all" He shrugged.

"Purr get yo point across" I laughed.

"I'm finna go to this pool party. Don't wait up" He told them before he left out.

"You think we doin the right thing babe?" She looked at my dad.

"No" I answered for him.

"Shut the fuck up Toni" He spat.

"Yes. You wanna go on all them trips this how we gonna do it. You forgot I'm getting a raise?" He asked.

She sighed nodding.

"We'll I'm finna go. Can't believe you made me drive 3 hours just to tell me you leaving me" I mugged him standing up.

"Bye baby" She hugged me. "You keep doing what you doing okay? I'm proud of you" She smiled.

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